Fifth Chapter

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"I don't know Thomas, everything happened so fast. Faster than I expected." I took a sip of my bourbon drink.

I called Thomas in my penthouse, now sitting in my own private bar, he sits beside me drinking scotch.

"We should've killed her, that could've prevented this." He looked as problematic as I am.

The thought of her gone made a part of me sad and somewhat angry to whoever wants her dead.

"I don't want to kill Thomas, I just want her fine and return to her normal life." I said with a tinge of annoyance.

"Yes but have you ever thought of maybe not transferring her to your care, maybe let other Doctors take care of her, if she dies or not, it won't be your problem anymore. It's like nothing happened." Thomas looked at me, his eyes searching for answers.

I felt lost for words.

Had I ignored her that day in the hospital, she could've died in the operation or die during recovery I'd be out of responsibility, but I did that to her. Her case has a low chance of survival rate and up until now, there's no immediate cure for what happened to her.

Only, my blood cured her.

I let her drink my blood.

Nobody has ever drank from me.

Not even Samantha.

How could I be so stupid?

I let her drink from me, and I almost drained her that night.

We possibly, could've bonded with my blood in hers, and hers with mine.

I slammed my fist on the table.

"Thomas!" I looked at him like I just had a crazy idea, he seemed startled.

"Your highness!" He answered quickly.

"I may have given her some of my blood... you think...?" I looked at him worriedly, his expression soon copied mine.

"Well, shit." he muttered.

"Shit." I copied.



"It's not really that impossible Olivia, knowing that your blood is stronger than a normal vampire. A half glass maybe.." He looked puzzled.

I disagreed.

"No, I only gave her a drop, not even enough to fill a cup." I looked at him confusedly.

"I don't know much about her besides from her personal life, how can you say it's a bond?" He asked, gesturing the bartender for another drink.

"She actually screamed my name the moment she woke up." He looked at me waiting for more.

"Well, I went to visit her before I check out, then she went on a cardiac arrest, soon as I touched her, I felt something, like I got electrocuted but it's like it went to my whole body... then she woke up, I was looking at her as she was to me, then... then something really weird happened." I took a gulp of my drink, gesturing the bartender for a refill.

"What kind of weird happened? Olivia, don't leave me hanging here!" He looked at me like there's a fire in his ass.

I find it hard, ridiculous even to think about it.

I held my hand to my chest then look at him, he just stared at me confusedly.

"I heard my own heart.... Beat." I muttered.

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