How you meet

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Emerson: in the woods next to a lake surrounded by a meadow.

You come here normally when you want inspiration or peace and quiet. You loved to take photographs that was your main hobby. You would come down to the lake and take pictures of everything. The trees, sky, lake and flowers if it looked good you had it on camera. One day you walked down the trail that leads to the lake with your camera in hand it was about noon so you had bought a little snack with you. Just a couple pieces of fruit and some trumoo. As you go closer there was a boy well man skimming stones across the water. He was dressed very much like a pirate. It would make a wonderful photo so you approached him carefully.

You- excuse me sir?

He jumps a little

Man- oh hello sorry, for jumping you startled me.

You- I'm sorry for startling you but I usually come down here and take photos. And I couldn't help but notice how good of picture you skimming stone across the water would make. May I please take your photo?

Man- you may on two conditions, one you tell me your name, mines Emerson by the way and the other is you must tell me where I can find the photos later like an Instagram account or something. 

You- okay Emerson, your request seem very acceptable. My name is y/n and my instagram account is y/ntakes photos.

Emerson- well y/n you have a very pretty name. What would you like me to do for the photo?

You-  could you just go back to skimming the rocks across the water and I'll get a couple of shots if that's okay.

Emerson- yes that's perfectly fine with me.

I took a few photos of Emerson a few from afar and a couple of closer up photos. You also got a perfect shot of the rock bouncing across the water with Emerson sat at the water bank.

You- thank you for being my muse, what's your Instagram name and I'll tag you in the photos when I upload them.

Emerson- it's @emersonbarrett, I'll keep my eye out for the notification. I have to dash now it was nice meeting you.

You- it was a pleasure meeting you to goodbye.

Later one once you got home and up loaded the pictures to your computer you chose a few and posted them on Instagram tagging Emerson. The caption said – I got to meet a pirate today just kidding @emersonbarrett made the perfect model stood next to the lake today.

15 minuets later and Emerson had followed you and liked your pictures. You looked at his account and discovered that he was a drummer in a band called palaye royal and he had two brothers who had also followed you and liked your photos.

Remington: in the park where he and his brothers were doing and acoustic set.

I was walking round the park when I suddenly got to the bandstand/shelter and I heard music. So I decided to go closer and have a look. 3 men either sat or stood were playing music. And it was good music kinda rock and roll. What confused me most is that no one was stopping to watch them for very long so I decided that I would sit on the bench in front of where they were playing by about 2 meters.

The band soon noticed my presence and smiled at me. The lead singer seemed to be very happy that he had someone to sing to. He started to sing a song that I'm pretty sure was called morning light. His smile was one in a million. Up close the band members all had their own look. The one on drums looked like a pirate, whilst the guitarist look like a gentleman. But the lead singers look screamed vampire. When they stopped and started packing up. I looked at my watch to find out an hour had gone by wit me just listening to them. The lead singer said something to the other two and he started to come over to me.

Man – I just wanted to thank you for staying as long as you did. My names Remington.

You – your very welcome you are all very talented. My  name is y/n. May I ask what the band is called?

Remington- certainly we are called Palaye Royale and thank you very much. The fact that you took time out of your day means a lot to us.

You- as I said your welcome. Do you have any social media that I could follow you on.

Remington- yes if you just type in @palayeroyale to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook you'll find the bands account but you'll also be able to find all of our personal accounts.

You- thank you very much I'll make sure to follow you all. I have to go now or I'll be late for work. It was nice meeting you.

Later on that night you followed the band on everything Remington had said and one by one the started following you.

Sebastian: at one of their shows.

You were currently watching you favourite band Palaye Royale live for the first time. You were really enjoying yourself  they had played all of your favourite songs bar one. You really wanted them to play ma Chérie . Remington caked out to the crowd asking what they wanted to hear as the last song so you quickly shouted ma chérie. Sebastian heard you and told Remington.

Remington- right seb heard ma chérie first so hear it is.

Your heart started to beat incredibly fast you couldn't believe it he heard you. As the song started up and girl who'd been stood near you all night pushed you and slapped your face saying

Random chick - I wanted them to play Teenagers by My Chemical  Romance, not this crap.

As she slapped you a second time Sebastian stopped playing and walked over to his mic asking for security. Once he got their attention he pointed at you and said can you please bring her to side stage whilst pointing at you and can another one of you escort the one with the bright red hair at the side of her out of the venue as she has just slapped the one I have asked to be taken back stage twice and she has tried pushing her over.

You were helped over the railing by security and taken back stage and allowed to watch the show from the wing of the stage at Sebastian's side because they played ma chérie and did 3 songs for encore. Once they had finished you were getting up to leave when you felt someone hand on you shoulder. You turned round to see Sebastian standing there.

Sebastian- hi, what's your name?

You- hi Sebastian I'm y/n thank you for helping me out back their you didn't have to do that.

Sebastian- well I don't want anyone of our fans getting hurt plus I wanted to be able to keep an eye on you and make sure you were safe because she hit you pretty hard.

You- well thank you again that was very sweet of you.  can I get a picture please.

Sebastian of course come with me to find the other two.
After walking a short walk you were at their dressing room. You had you picture and then had to run because your mum was waiting for you outside.

You posted the picture of you and them with the caption can't thank @sebastiandabzing enough for what he did. Even though I've now got a lovely bruise on the side of my face I still had a wonderful time watching @palyeroyale tonight. Thank you Sebastian again for your help. And thank you @ermersonbarret and @remingtonleith for the photo.

Within an hour Sebastian and the rest of the boys and the band account had followed you on Twitter and instagram.

By PalayeRoyaleSoldier

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