How he asks you out

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Hi guys so surprise here is An extra chapter because of the lateness if the last one  ~ PalayeRoyaleSoldier

Emerson: you and emerson had been hanging out since you met he's asked you to take photographs for him personally of him or his art and do photos of the band from concerts and photo shoots. But today he asked to meet you at the lake.

Emerson pov

Today was the day I was going to ask y/n out. I have been slowly falling for her more and more since we met in the meadow 3 months ago. I had asked her down here so that I could ask her in a special way. I had used stones to hold down pictures of us on the floor. They spelt will you go out with me ?

Back to your POV

I walked through the woods and saw Emerson stood at the side of the lake. As I walked down to him he turned around to face me and smiled at me. He walked up to meet me.

Emerson- hey y/n. Emerson said whilst taking hold of my hand.

You- hey em I said hugging him.

Emerson- I have a question for you but we need to walk further down.

As we walked further down there were pictures of me and Emerson held down by rocks. As we walked further down the pickers spelt out something. Wait they say will you go out with me?  I looked across at Emerson in shock and

Emerson – so will you be mine?

Y/n- yes of course Emerson I've been faking for you since the day I met you.

Emerson- well that makes two of us then he pulled me in to a hug and kissed the top of my head. He picked me up and I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist. There was a flash.

Sebastian- I want credit for this photo guys.


Remington's pov

I had invited y/n over today. I wanted to ask her out since the day I met her but I wanted to get to know her first. I got to find out that she's had her heart played and doesn't trust easily. It took me a couple of months to even get her to talk to be as a friend now we've become more and more close. So now that she knows me and I know her. I want to see if we can take the next step in out relationship.

Y/n – Remington I'm here.

Remington- I'm coming as I got to the hallway downstairs she had already taken her shoes and goat of leaving her in her Palaye Royale hoodie and leggings. She looked Absolutely amazing she only had the lightest possible makeup in and her hair was up in a messy buy her glasses were perched on her nose and her lip ring was the right way round for once.

Y/n – rem are you okay.

Remington- yeah sorry I spaced out. Wanna go hang upstairs and watch movies?

Y/n – that actually sounds perfect apparat from there are a lot of stairs in between.

Remington – come her my little pixie. With that I picked her up and she wrapped her arms and legs around me.

Y/n – please don't drop me. She said in the most fragile voice.

Remington- never I won't let you go.

We made it up stairs and I laid her on my bed and she lifted the covers up and snuggled in I laughed at her and said

Remington- are you cold pixie?

Y/n – a little but I'm always cold.

Once I turned on the tv and my Xbox I logged in and signed in to Netflix I put her favourite film on, Jurassic world. I then went and joined her in the bed.

Remington- come here pixie.

After a few movies we were both a little hungry so we were ordering pizza. After the prefer was place I decided it was time to ask her.

Remington-  y/n come here a minute I said from the kitchen.

Y/n- what's up rem?

Remington- I need to ask you something but it's going to take a while. Okay so I need you to be patient.

Y/n: okay what's happened?

Remington: so the day that we met has stuck in my head and it's never left. I remember how shy you were. And after 8 months of getting to know you and becoming closer as friends. But the truth is I love you I fell for you as soon as I saw you. But I knew that I need to earn your trust before I jumped in to asking you out. But I feel that now is the time. Y/n would you like to be my girlfriend.

Y/n: yes Remington I would love to be your girlfriend.

Remington-  really?

Y/n – yes I love you to

And with that a wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around me.


So today Sebastian asked me to go to the beach. As we were walking he suddenly stopped and out came Emerson and Remington playing ma chérie. 

Sebastian- I know this is your favourite song for a number of reasons but over the past month I have truly started to develop feeling for you. I think I Knew from the moment I heard you shout at the concert that you were special. I'm honestly so in love with you.  Will you please be ma chérie.

You- Sebastian, you have always been my favourite out of the three of you. I love your gentlemen persona and style. You make me feel like I'm the only girl in the enter world like I'm the only one that matters.  I would be honoured to be your  chérie. I am completely in love with you.

With that Sebastian lifted me up and span me around in the air. Then the 4 of us decided that it was time to go and get some food.

We decide that we would just got to in and out and grab something from the drive through then home and Seb would head back to mine for movie night and cuddles.

By PalayeRoyaleSoldier

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