Chapter 6- Freezer Boys and Hangovers

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I turned over in my bed, finding comfort in its warmth. The softness was amazing. I stretched out my hand expecting to get soft sheets but hit something hard instead.

Wait a minute. Hard?

I felt the hard object and realized it was a person. Did Jax manage to get into my room? I cracked open my eyes a bit to glance over at him. That's when I realized the person was most definitely not Jax. My eyes widened and I shook the boy next to me.

"Asher! What are you doing here? C'mon, get up!" I whisper yelled into his ear. He grumbled something and began to slowly open his eyes.

Oh no, he's gonna be hungover, I realized suddenly and quickly jumped out of bed. I grabbed a trash can from the corner of my room and ran back over, shoving it under his mouth just in time for him to turn over and throw up everything from last night straight into the can.

Well at least we know he can aim.

"Oh gross, thanks, Asher," I told him as I opened a window and tossed the can out and into the dumpster below.

The nice things about our house is we live right next to the dumpsters. The bad part is that we live right next to the dumpsters.

"Jade...?" He questioned, seemingly able to finally comprehend life.

"Hey Asher. Stay here I'll go get you a water and some aspirin," I commanded and he seemed not to need to be told twice.

I made my way downstairs, stopping in a bathroom to furiously scrub my hands and kicking some kids out of the house who had passed out in random places.

One kid passed out in a plant. How? And why?

I finally made it to the kitchen after kicking it a grand total of 15 kids, finding another in the open freezer drawer. I nudged him with my foot and he lazily opened his eyes.

"Dude, get out of my freezer, and please get out of my house," I told him sternly. He quickly jumped up and ran out the front door. I snickered when I realized he had no pants on. He realized too and made a little yelp noise and ran even quicker.

I turned and proceeded to pour Asher some water and cook some waffles. Toaster waffles, mind you. They were easy and quick and not too hard on the stomach. I grabbed aspirin from the cupboard and wandered my way back upstairs. I pushed the bedroom door open to reveal no Asher anywhere.

"Asher?" I called out, wondering if he had somehow gotten out of the house. I was then met with the sound of someone throwing up in the bathroom.

Oh. That makes sense.

I sighed and set the plate down on the night stand. I walked into my bathroom and saw poor little Asher Kennedy hunched over my toilet puking his guts out.

"Alright, this is cool," I said to myself as I crouched down next to him. "Hey buddy, I got u some water here. Try to drink some."

He looked up long enough to smile at me before putting his head back down and throwing up again. The poor kid was going to have no stomach contents at all after this.

I began to rub his back comfortingly, hoping it would help take some of the edge off things. After about 20 minutes he seemed relatively done, so I helped him sit up a little and drink some water.

"Thanks," He croaked out and I smiled.

"It's nothing new so don't worry about it," I replied while standing up. "Now c'mon mister, back to bed with you."

I grabbed his arm and helped him stand up. I pulled his arm across my shoulders to help him walk, since his energy was practically drained. We managed to waddle back to the bed and I helped him lay back down while keeping his head and let of his torso up so he could eat a bit.

I sat down next to him on the bed and handed him the remaining water and the aspirin, making sure he took those before eating anything. He gulped down the aspirin and the entire cup of water rather quickly and then motioned for the waffles. I handed him the plate and he ate those slower, but still pretty fast.

"Alright you, stay here. I'm going to go check on my brother and clean your plates up. Holler of you need anything, this place is super loud," I informed him and he nodded. I was half way out the door when he spoke up.

"Hey pool girl!" He called and I turned around. "I'm, uh, I'm really sorry you had to see me like this."

That was surprising.

"At least you weren't passed out in my freezer with no pants," I replied, making myself giggle and Asher give me a confused stare. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

With that I walked out of my room and downstairs into the kitchen. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and shuffled my music. Cheap Thrills by Sia came on and I inwardly first pumped. I loved this song.

I turned on the water and began to wash dishes as the music started to play.

Come on, come on, turn the radio on
It's Friday night and I won't be long
Gotta do my hair, I put my make up on
It's Friday night and I won't be long

I started to sing along to the next part as I finished washing the dishes.

Til I hit the dance floor
Hit the dance floor
I got all I need
No I ain't got cash
I ain't got cash
But I got you baby

I closed the dishwasher and started to dance around as I sang.

Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
But I don't need no money
As long as I can feel the beat
I don't need no money
As long as I keep dancing

"Wow, she sings," came a voice from behind me and I whipped around. I held out my hand with a grin.

"Care to join?" I questioned and Jax bowed.

"Of course! Who do you think I am?" He retorted and I laughed. We both began to dance around the kitchen and wound up on the floor laughing.

"Whew, well, that was fun," he commented as another song began to play from my phone. I shut it off and rolled upright.

"So, now that you're awake and apparently feeling fine, you can make your own food and I'm going to go take care of little Asher Kennedy who is hopefully not puking his guts out onto my rug," I stayed and Jax's eyes widened. Then he got a look on his face and raised his eyebrows.

"So...Asher Kennedy, star quarterback of our school and probably the most popular, is in your room after getting hammered last night and presumably sleeping in your bed? Wow sis, you're better off than I thought," he said and I gasped.

"Jax!" I slapped his arm and shook my head. "It's not like that! He just got drunk, wandered inside and passed out," I replied and he eyed me suspiciously.

"Mmhm, sure sis, whatever you say," he replied and I rolled my eyes. He could be really stubborn when he wanted.

"Whatever, I'm gonna leave you now and hopefully not trip over a random kid on my way up," I replied as I walked away.

"Good luck!" Jax shouted as I made my way upstairs.

I opened my door and plopped down on my beanbag by the bed. I looked up at Asher who had fallen asleep and smiled. Sleep was good. I pulled out my phone and plugged in my headphones, shuffling my music and closing my eyes. Today was going to be a good day.


Aaaaannnddd hello again. I'm back.

Sorry loves.

I got caught up writing some other stories that I may/may not publish later on.

Oh, and school. School tripped me up quite a bit. But I'll hopefully be able to keep on with this story.

As always, much love and thanks for the reads. Hope you enjoyed.

Have a great day!


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