seven | FRED

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***the song mentioned in here is in the media part above

Cheryl almost said no, she was not about to get on the bad side of one Archie Andrews, but then she remembered that getting on the bad side of Luna was one million times worse.  

So with a great amount of reluctance, she replied with a breathy, "Fine."

Luna frowned playfully, "You don't sound very enthusiastic."

It's because she wasn't.

At all.

Cheryl gave Luna a frown of her own, "My main goal in life is to get through high school easily and leave Riverdale to go to a nice college. You are making the former extremely hard for me."

Luna sent Cheryl a devilish smile, "You love me."

Cheryl scoffed, "Whatever makes you happy."

Luna grabbed her keys and coat, leading the way to her mom's car, "Mom, can we leave for a bit?"

Ophelia cried out from above the stairs, "Sure! Just be safe you guys! Stay out of trouble!"

"We will!" Luna called back, knowing very well that she was about to get herself into some trouble.

As she opened the door, she could have sworn she heard Cheryl mumble something under breath.

And she did.

"Jesus, you're Satan with pink hair and ripped jeans," Cheryl groaned, picking up her own coat.

Luna turned around as she opened the door, "After you m'lady."

"How polite," Cheryl curtsied jokingly, giving Luna her best smile.

"Even for Satan with pink hair and ripped jeans?"


As they pulled up to the hospital, Luna frowned a little bit.

All the memories from Riverdale seemed to come flooding back.

All the bad ones to be precise.

She suddenly remembered the reasons she had left in the first place, and the overwhelming joy she had once felt once she drove past the Riverdale sign was now replaced with a feeling of dread.

"What if this was a mistake," Luna said aloud, startling Cheryl a little.

For the past ten or so minutes, they had sat in a comfortable silence, nothing but the quiet sound of Elliot Smith playing in the background.

Luna chose the music, obviously, Cheryl would have never listened to that by herself, and she'd never admitted it, considering how much she had argued with Luna over the music before actually driving, but she kind of liked her indie and alternative music.

"What if what's a mistake? Coming to the hospital or..." Cheryl trailed off, not really wanting to say the word at the tip of her tongue.

When she heard of Luna's return, she had practically run the way to her house, she was so excited that she was back.

Again, a thing she'd never admit.

But she had also had this thought in the back of her head, one she ignored for a while.

What if Luna coming back to Riverdale was a bad idea?

What if, for some reason, Luna's return brought about another series of strange events.

She hated herself for it, but she was caving to the rumors.

The rumors of her being Riverdale's own bad luck charm.

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