I remember...

61 5 3

I remember those days

when we drove our new bikes

on the dusty parched road

that spat pebbles at us.

And that one time when I

raced you back to your lawn

when my tires became soft

and when your chains gave in.


I remember all those

lazy afternoons that

we spent at Grandma's porch,

whistling for a stray breeze

and popping bubble wraps.

Or drinking her strong tea

that scalded our tongue

and tasted like copper.


I remember those nights

when we played hide-and-seek

under the faint moonbeam

and flickering street lights.

Or when we just lay down

on the crisped yellow grass,

counting all the bright stars

and wishing when one fell.


I'll never forget those days

that we spent together.


All those days of summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2012 ⏰

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