subito sforzando

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A scene materializes: Bao is in shock, unable to practice her viola - her hands shaking too much. Kalina is brokenhearted, but trying to show a brave face to the quartet, and continues to hold practices. The violin and cello players, Lara and Marian, are understanding, but frustrated. Kalina counts off the tempo, draws her bow across the strings for the first note, and Bao breaks down into a puddle of tears - her sobs an even tempo with the instruments. Bao hears the heavily secured door open, and light feet stomping out the door.


Bao awakens in a cold sweat, her heart crushed at remembering the last time she saw Kalina. Kalina never came back to practice room, and wasn't seen on the station again. Bao simply can't fathom Kalina leaving her in such a state, so she must have been kidnapped. The only person should can image who would sink to such disrespect is Ernesto, conductor of Shen Yuen, the only other quintet left in the universe. 

Bao bolts up in bed, and the lights automatically begin to brighten up - a gradual rising in intensity, so as to not be disorienting to the rising sleeper.

The coda's blood red color makes a stark contrast against Bao's pale skin - a reminder that destroying Kalina's captors would be Bao's last mission. The tattoo is barely healed, and Bao rubs around the scar gingerly, absentmindedly, remembering performing a solo for the artist in exchange. 

A touring string quartet and dance troupe was not only a lucrative drug business, but an excellent cover for an assassin squad. Bao is an accomplished viola player, but a virtuoso assassin. However, after the tolls of Robert's death and Kalina's kidnapping, Bao's drive to continue killing is waning. The coda represents the end of a piece of music, and for Bao, the end of this lifestyle. 

Bao rises, shrugs on a silk kimono, and pads out into the kitchen to start the coffee maker. Steaming mug of life in hand, Bao checks her notes on the hierarchy  and schedule of Shen Yuen. She had dealt with Hoang Tang last, meaning Ernesto only has a trio now, although undoubtedly Tang had an apprentice who will be called up to first chair violin soon. Shen Yuen is scheduled to perform in one week on Aldrin Base, and Bao decides to take on Ernesto in person.

No doubt Ernesto knows who killed Tang, and will want to negotiate. Unfortunately for him, Bao has no interest in anything other than spilling his blood.

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