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Master Yeon removes the bandages and inspects the healing wound, his gentle fingers probing the new skin.

"The cut looks healed enough, you should be able to fight again. You are fortunate the cut wasn't any deeper, or you would forever walk with a limp."

"Thank you, Master. I appreciate your tender care, as always." Bao responds, softly, her fugue apparent.

"You are going to finish this, aren't you?" Master Yeon asks, lovingly, as a grandfather would.

Bao's head snaps up to face Master Yeon, and her pupils fixate on his kind face like lasers. "You know that I must. Even if Kalina walked back into my dorm unharmed right this moment, I cannot allow such disrespect to stand! Shen Yun must be completely annihilated for this. Ernesto must not only die, but his heirs must never again profit from his work!"

Master Yeon rocks back on his heels at the force of Bao's words, realizing that for all of the years he has known Bao, Roberto must have been the counterpoint to Bao's temper and anger, keeping her in check.

Bao's face softens, as she recognizes the fear tugging at Master Yeon's features. "I will spare his family, maybe even the rest of his quintet, as long as they make no attempt to stop me. I wish to spill no more blood than necessary."

Yeon sighs as he settles back on his rolling exam chair, the genial fatherly look returning to his face. "Life in space is hard on humanity. It saddens me that killing another human is still an issue, as far as we have come and the centuries our species has lived. But, I understand how important respect is to you, and I agree, kidnapping Kalina at all, but especially so soon after Robert's death, was an insult that cannot be left to stand. I will never condone murder, but I cannot, in good conscience, tell you not to strike back in some form. What do you plan to do?"

"The video said they are performing next at Aldrin base tomorrow at 7pm, and I intend to be there. I worry they intend to hurt Kalina if I am not careful!"

"Aldrin is their home station, you must realize they will have paid guards looking for you?"

"Do you have a better way in? If I wasn't afraid Kalina would be injured, I'd destroy the whole station!"

Yeon turns to a terminal, and drives through a couple of screens with a practiced precision. "Hrm. I just might. We have a shipment of medical supplies leaving for Aldrin in about an hour. I bet we could slip you inside. I won't be able to help you once the supply ship docks, but maybe the guise of medical supplies will at least get you on board?"

Bao smiles ruefully as she hops off the exam table and plants a childish kiss on Yeon's cheek. "If I don't make it out of this, please know you have been the truest friend I've ever had excepting Robert, Master Yeon. Thank you for all you have done for me!"

Yeon hangs his head as Bao leaves, unsure of who he fears for more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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