02 | Calorie Asperger's

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The void of her little sister's absence hadn't quite struck her until now. It seemed so obvious now that Bella was here. The missing puzzle piece that'd been lost under the couch all these years. Nothing, not even all of Lorelai's baggage, seemed to matter for the time being. Finally, the Swan sisters were together again.

It took a few days to get used to Bella being back home in the first place. The first night she was home, Lorelai nearly took her out with a frying pan purely because she thought Bella was an intruder when in reality, Bella was merely trying to get some water. There was another incident where Charlie walked into the bathroom while Bella was in the shower. As horrifying as it was for Bella, Lorelai couldn't help but laugh at how dumb she was for not locking the door.

Lorelai clicked her nails against her glass of water. They sat as a family at that wooden dinner table, silent. Now that Bella was home, they were having more family dinners. Although Bella was very clumsy and a hazard to everyone, including herself, she was an excellent cook and offered to make dinner most nights.

Then again, that detail didn't mean much to Lorelai.

Lorelai's dark eyes trailed to the kitchen, noticing Bella scribbling something down onto a sheet of paper. "What are you doing?" called Lorelai. "Writing a rough draft for your diary? You know you don't have to put that stuff in MLA format, right?"

Bella rolled her eyes as Charlie brought over a set of dishes from the kitchen. "You know what I'm doing," Bella said whilst sitting at the table. Lorelai made a face. "Oh, come on. Tell me you can still do the thing. Unless all that starving made your brain smaller."

A metaphoric lightbulb flickered above Lorelai's head. A cheeky smirk pulled at her lips. "Oh, of course I can," Lorelai confirmed, stretching her bony limbs to add dramatic effect. "Alright, ready?" Bella nodded. Lorelai peered down at the dishes spread out across the table. "Hm... 280 for the pork, 350 for the buttered noodles, 125 for the buttered beans, 150 for the roll, and 50... No—75 for butter."

"Damn," Bella said, staring at the numbers on her sheet of paper. She was strangely in awe by the accuracy of the numbers that rang in her ears. "You got it. All of it." Lorelai threw her hands into the air, cheering childishly. "Seriously, it's like you have Calorie Asperger's or something."

Laughing, Lorelai inquired, "Okay, but how many calories do you think boogers have? Because I was thinking—"

Her smile fell when she noticed her father staring at her intensely. She had forgotten how she and Bella were more adjusted to the elder's eating disorder in contrast to their father, even after all these years.

Lorelai peered down at the food on her plate. All three of them knew she wouldn't eat all of it, yet she picked up her knife and fork anyway and began to cut at the pork. This part wasn't new though. She often sliced and chopped and picked at her food until they were tiny pieces, creating the illusion that she'd eaten more than she did. Whenever she did eat, it was always in small portions. She nibbled until she became disgusted with herself, really.

Lorelai glimpsed back at her sister. "So, B, how are you liking Forks High?" she wondered.

Bella shrugged. "It's okay," she admitted. "I got Mr. Molina for Bio. He said he knew I was your sister because we have the same nose or something."

Snorting, Lorelai shook her head. "Ah, Mr. M," she reminisced. "I've always liked him. He used to let me hang out in his classroom when I didn't wanna go to Gym with Coach Clap."

Lorelai hadn't been to Forks High in months. She had originally enrolled in school one year earlier than most people her age, so she ultimately graduated at 17-years-old. This was supposed to be her first year of college, but she ended up dropping out due to her eating disorder. At least now she could focus on the idea of getting better. Though that was certainly easier said than done.

Bella shuddered at the thought of Coach Clap. She despised Gym. She didn't have a single athletic bone in her body. Then again, neither did Lorelai. Perhaps they actually did have more things in common than they realized.

"Mr. Molina's the only good thing about Bio if you ask me," Bella confessed. This caused curiosity to spark within Lorelai.

"Do go on," urged the teenager, using her infamous persuasive voice. Lorelai had this charm about her that was almost as though she could manipulate anyone into doing anything, even if it was something as casual as the current conversation topic.

Bella shrugged. "He sat me next to this... really weird guy."

"Does this weirdo have a name?" queried Lorelai, picking little pieces off of her roll and sticking them in her mouth.

"Edward," Bella revealed. Lorelai and her father's eyes met upon hearing the name. "What? Do you know him?"

"Well, duh. There are only so many people in Forks with that old ass name, and they're all related. You're talking about Edward Cullen, right?" Lorelai asked. Bella nodded. "His father's my doctor. Really cool guy. I've known him for ages. I haven't met his family though, not properly anyway. Just in pictures in Carlisle's office, really."

Charlie's face twisted with confusion. "Since when are you on a first-name basis with Dr. Cullen?"

She hummed thoughtfully. "Hm, I don't know. He thought I'd feel more comfortable talking about being a Rexy if I called him Carlisle."

"A what?"

Lorelai took a sip of her water. "A Rexy," she said. "You know, ano-rex-ia... Rex-y... Dad, it's not that complicated."

Charlie looked down at his food uncomfortably. "Right," he dryly replied. "My bad."

Sighing, Lorelai stared at her father. She hated how her father made her feel about herself. She knew that no one could just get used to their loved one being Anorexic, but she felt that Charlie didn't have to make her feel so horrible about it.

"You know, I'm not that hungry tonight anyway," she muttered, standing up with her hardly touched dishes. She looked back at her father and Bella. "That was a joke, guys." Lorelai sighed. "I'll be upstairs if you need me."

And so, she went.

Revised: October 29th, 2019
Revised: May 23rd, 2024

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