07 | Big And Bad Wolf-King

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THERE'S SOMETHING SO FREEING, yet overwhelming about having a fresh start

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THERE'S SOMETHING SO FREEING, yet overwhelming about having a fresh start.

Having the chance to start over opens so many doors. It allows you to be someone you've always wanted to be, to do something you've always wanted to do. There are so many places to begin. With life comes the creation of written and unwritten paths, where one of these is your destiny. Life is supposed to lead you to your destiny, but what about when you die?

Now that you're dead, what are you going to do with your life?

Lorelai had no fucking clue.

It'd been nearly two weeks since her death, since her rebirth. Lorelai was desperate to keep a sense of normalcy close to her as she coped with processing her new life. Obsessing over the time that's gone by since her death wasn't exactly the most normal thing she could do; however, it was all she had.

Lorelai had been hoping that since she was immortal, time would go by faster. Oh, how wrong she was. With the days that came, the longer the hours stretched. The temporary rays of the sunrises and sunsets lasted for hours instead of seconds, their effervescent hues rippling across the skies for months. Flowers bloomed every century and animals came out of hiding once a year.

Some things had begun to slip from her mind, such as what it felt like to sleep in after crying all night or spending an entire day to watch a season of Gossip Girl. Sometimes she had to remind herself what it meant to wait for a cooked meal, despite the fact that she only ever ate around the edges. Sometimes she forgot what it felt like to starve until her stomach started fighting back, gnawing at her insides.

It was scary to think about. In just two weeks, Lorelai had forgotten small fragments of her human life. While it scared her, it also relieved her. Lorelai didn't have to think about her miserable human life anymore (even though it haunted her more than you'd think in memories she didn't recognize). She could be someone else, someone better. Or maybe she could be someone she always was—just a better, improved version of that.

"So do you guys always do rounds in your wolf form because you feel threatened or because you don't wanna talk to me with your dick out? I mean, seriously, it's really weird that you can't shift back to human form without pants on or something."

Or... something like that.

Lorelai's rosy lips tugged upward into a smile, her body pressed against a tree. The wind tousled her perfectly kept hair, its brown waves falling down her shoulders perfectly every time. It reminded her of a goddamn Maybelline commercial. Her crimson eyes, which shimmered with incandescence as the sun struck it, were stuck on the wolf with chocolate fur before her. Mischief twinkled in them.

The wolf growled at her quietly, causing Lorelai to raise her hands in defense. "Aw, c'mon, Quil," she teased. "I know you're excited to be a wolf or whatever now, but you have no reason to hate me." She paused. "Aside from the eating animals thing, but so do the rest of you! Don't think I can't smell that bacon you ate this morning."

"Alright, that's enough," came a voice from behind Quil. Out walked a tanned man with ridiculously bulky muscles—a peculiar trait all of the werewolves of the Quileute tribe shared. "Your shift's over Quil."

The brunette wolf didn't hesitate to run off, probably to talk shit about the lonesome town vampire with his pack. Lorelai peered over at the man, her cheeky smile refusing to fade.

"You know, I think Quil's starting to like me," remarked the newborn. When the man didn't return a smile, Lorelai rolled her eyes. "You don't have to be such a hardass all the time, you know. Just because you're Sam Uley, the big and bad Wolf-King, doesn't mean you can't have fun."

Yes, oddly enough, Lorelai Swan and the Uley pack had grown to become... Well, definitely not friends. But they weren't enemies either. The lonesome town vampire and the werewolves of Forks, Washington simply weren't fond of each other's lifestyles.

However, Lorelai believed in change. She changed her lifestyle to slowly recover from her eating disorder (despite dying before that cycle could be completed). Hell, she accepted change when she learned the existence of the supernatural. Maybe she could be the first vampire to get along with werewolves?

She wasn't sure, but hey, Lorelai Swan was damned to a life of eternity. It didn't hurt to try.

"I can't have fun until your kind stops existing," Sam Uley retorted. His voice was deep and stern, as usual. He was always such a hardass, according to Jacob Black, at least. But now that Lorelai had met the pack leader, she understood what he meant.

Lorelai didn't seem to care. "I'm the only one of my kind left in Forks, and I don't plan on terrorizing anyone other than my old Calculus teacher."

Sam stared at her with judgmental eyes. Vampires were supposed to be cold, emotionless monsters... not this.

"You might be the strangest excuse for a cold one I've ever heard of," confessed Sam. "Compared to the Cullens, you're like a toddler. You're immature and don't seem to know a damn thing about being a vampire." 

"Well, sorry I didn't feel it necessary to ask what to do if I suddenly died!" Lorelai exclaimed. "You think I planned this? It's like... puberty or something, I don't know!"

Lorelai and Sam fell quiet before bursting out with quiet chuckles.

Adapting to this new life had been difficult. Not only had she been unable to see her family in two weeks, but Sam insisted she couldn't have any human contact until she could control herself and her vampire instincts.

After the wolves killed Laurent, Sam had been the one to take her in. Well, actually, it was Billy Black's idea, but Sam was the one who reinforced it. They informed her of all kinds of tall tales about their tribe and cold ones. The only problem was that Lorelai couldn't quite figure out how many of these stories were nonfiction, but regardless, she was thankful for the wolves. Lorelai knew accepting change wasn't going to be easy for her, but now that the Cullens were likely never returning to Forks, she needed all the support she could get.

Still, if this—munching on animals, separating herself from society for a few weeks, and loving superhuman strength and speed a bit too much—was all it took to get back to her family, then Lorelai would endure it. If there was one thing (well, two things) she valued the most in this world, it was her sister and father.

The Cullens still passed her mind frequently. She often wondered how they would react to her reanimated-self. Would Alice cheer about the endless sleepovers, only to have Rosalie remind her that they didn't sleep regardless? Would Emmett be more than stoked to feed into his own ego by challenging Lorelai to arm wrestles? Would Carlisle take her in as his adoptive daughter, too? Would Jasper—?

No. Lorelai couldn't bring herself to think about the one she considered to have her heart... or whatever it was that filled the gap in her chest now.

And maybe if the Cullens were to return, they would join the list of people Lorelai would threaten her own existence for. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Lorelai was sure of it.

She had already adapted to life without them. Now, she just had to forget about them.

Iif only it were that easy.

Revised: January 6th, 2020

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