▷ Playmate || Ignatio x Reader (TAL)

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Remember these keywords guys:
• Y/N L/N - Your Name, Last Name
• h/c - hair color
• e/c - eye color
• h/l - hair length

There will be more keywords in future chapters ^^

You were at Mu Young's house reporting for yesterday's task. He asked you to investigate on the man named 'Bigak' and his comrades since he wanted to know more about the man. You sat opposite to him, continuing with your report.

"Hmm. Thanks Y/N. Can you report for tomorrow as well?"

"Sure, boss. I'm not as busy as Maru so I should be able to do it." You bowed and Mu Young nodded, implying you could leave already. You opened the door and a man identical to Mu Young was right in front of you.

The two of you stared at each other before the man broke it when he glanced to your right. His aura showed a bright and happy one when he saw your boss.

"Lang~! I was wondering where you were!" The man approached Muyeong but your boss' hand quickly reacted and blocked the man's face.

"What the hell are you doing here, you idiot?" A tick mark was visible at your boss' forehead. But the man didn't seemed to be afraid and it looked like this was normal for them.

"Eehh~ But you said you'd play with me. Did you forget already, Lang?" Mu Young's patience was already running low and you could notice it.

You observed them for a short period of time and concluded that the man was his brother, his twin brother to be exact. They really had the same features but different hair color and eyes. You found his twin quite adorable.

"Argh. This stupid bastard," Mu Young continued to block the man because he was working. He noticed that you were still standing there and raised his eyebrow. "Why are you still here? I thought I told you to leave already."

"Oh! Um.. Nothing really.. Is he your twin brother, boss?" You pointed at the man with green eyes and he was still persistent and kept saying 'play with me Lang'.

"Yes he is, but I don't really want to call this hedgedog my brother. I'd rather deny it." Hedgedog? Even though you two look alike..

Mu Young saw that you still didn't budge from your place and thought a bright idea. "Why don't you play with her instead, you hoe? I need to finish my work. So why won't you let me?" Mu Young pinched his brother's cheeks and his brother looked at you.

You flinched knowing you couldn't deny anything from your boss. He helped you for a long time now and serving him was the only way to return the favor. But why me though? If only Maru was here..


You and his brother walked through the city just as your boss asked you to. The man whose still name you didn't know looked happy as the two of you walked.

"Do you want to get an ice cream?" You asked him and he nodded happily. His character seems to be carefree. The two of you went to an ice cream parlor and ordered your favorite ice cream.

"Um.. Can I ask you something sir?" You took a spoonful before questioning him.

He smiled at you. "Sir? That's way too formal, (Y/N)-ssi~! Just call me Ignatio."

(Y/N)-ssi? You chuckled and took another spoonful. "Okay, Ignatio-nim. Call me (Y/N) but how did you know my name? And you're probably older than me so there no need to call me that."

"I may have heard your talk with Lang earlier. Also that's cruel (Y/N)~! I'm not that old you know! So what was it you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh, its about you Ignatio-nim. I wanted to know why you just came into Mu Young-nim's life all of a sudden." You took another spoonful again and realized what you just said.

"I'm not trying to be rude to you Ignatio-nim, I really just want to know since Mu Young-nim doesn't tell me anything even though we've known for such a long time."

He nodded at you and said that was typical of his brother. He told you everything you wanted to know and you two spend the day hanging out with each other.

The day came to an end and Ignatio requested you to come with him to visit a deserted park. You answered his request and now the two of you are here, sitting on a bench.

"You're really fun to hang out with (Y/N)," This made you look at him and he placed his hands into his pockets. "Unlike Lang, who beats me around every time." You saw a dramatical tear left his eye and you comfort him saying that its okay.

"Hey (Y/N), think you could hang out with me again tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" You smile and placed your hand into his shoulder. "Sure, Ignatio. But you know I think I will come more often at Mu Young-nim's place."

"Really?! Then can we play all day? Can we go to that arcade again??" He looked at you with puppy eyes and found it cute. You couldn't say no to this cinnamon roll. At least he's different from his brother.

"Of course. I'd love to." You then pat his head and he jumped at you. He thanked you for what you did today. You smiled at him, looking forward for tomorrow.


God, if you guys think that they're ooc I apologize since it's been a while a wrote for a character x reader. Also I'm currently in the pits of hell of the Tal fandom. The fandom isn't really that big and that's one of the reason why I wanted to write an x reader. Ja Yun, Eunyul and Cho-Yi are my baes in the fandom ♡♡♡ They're just beautiful ♡♡♡ Vote, comment, and share!

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