Just because of the feeling (ShikaSai)

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Pairing: Shikamaru X Sai

I know that this is an unusal pairing, but I decided to give it a try.


Sai's P.O.V.

As usual, Shikamaru was lying on the grass, looking up to the clouds moving away gently on the sky.

I was sitting on a branch of a nearby tree with my drawing pad in my hands.

I didn't had any ideas what to draw, so I ended up drawing what I saw from my point of view, when he suddenly spoke up.

'What are you doing Sai? Drawing a landscape?' He asked on a calm tone from me, still gazing the clouds.

'Well... kinda.' I put down my artpad and turned to him. 'Tell me Shikamaru, what is what you find good in cloudwatching?'

'Hmm, nobody has asked me that before. ... Maybe, that every cloud is different and it is interesting to guess what it's shape look like and also very relaxing to watch them passing by. ... Why?' That was the first time he turned directly to me since we were here.

He gazed straight at me with his deep black eyes, wating for my answer. I could see from his face that he is truely interested in my reasons.

I read in a book that harkink to your speaking partner is a basic element of undestanding each other which is nessesary in building a good friendship.

'Nothing special, I just wanted to know why do you like it, because from my point of view I can't understand the meaning of it.'

'You don't have to seach for the meaning in everything Sai.' When he noticed that I'm confused about his words, he sighed and continued. 'It means, that there are some things in the world what you do just for the thrill and happiness of it.'

'Oh, so you can do things just for the emotion witch comes with it?'

'Basicaly, ... yes. But it is hard for you to understand, isn't it?'

'Yeah, a bit, but I will work on it to understand emotions.' I decided to smile on him, because a smile is the best thing you can do, even it is fake, but I was already smiling!

What? Why am I smiling? How can this be possible?

I jumped down to the ground.

'Thanks for everything Shikamaru. See you soon!' I said and wanted to leave, but he called after me.

'Wait Sai!' I turned back to him. 'If you come here tomorrow, you can watch the clouds with me. I think you will find it interesting, as you are an artist.' He said on his usual monotone voice.

'Okay, see you tomorrow then!' I nodded and left.


I was thinking about Shikamaru's words while I was heading home.

Doing something because of the feeling it causes? Are emotions this important?

As I passed the ramen shop I saw Naruto and Sakura inside. They were laughing together. They taught me before, that hanging out with a friend makes you happy.

Why am I caring about this anyway?

I asked myself and moved on. I decided to ignore these thoughts, go home and have a good sleep, but instead of this I stayed up pretty late, walking across Konoha, deep in my mind.


'Hi Shikamaru!' He was already lying on the grass by the time I arrived. 'Am I late?'

'Late? Oh, man, you can't understand it, right?' He sighed ans sat up.

'What am I not understanding?' I was totally confused and felt dumb at the same time.

'Sai, you can't be late when you just hang out with one of your friends!'

I still didn't get it.

'Never mind! Come on, join me!' He laid back. I laid down to his right side.


We spent the whole afternoon with cloudwathing. It took time, but I got it's feeling soon. In the end it was fun, similar to giving titles to pictures.

I can remember the first time, I titled one of my pictures. Since than I can't leave any of my works untitled.

'We should get going.' Shikamaru said, when it was near nightfall.

'Sure.' I nodded.

He turned to his left and I turned to my right to help ourselfs standing up after the long time we spent on the ground.

Because of our actions were done simulteously we ended up facing each other.

I didn't know what I was doing, but I found myself pressing my lips agains his. I kissed him!

I moved away quickly and turned my head down. I felt like my face burning. Can it be, that I blushed?

'I'm sorry.' I muttered.

'Why did you do that for?' I heared his voice. I didn't saw his face, but I could hear the surprise from his tone.

'I said, sorry. I don't know.' A tear run down from my left eye. It was only one teardrop, but I was shocked because of it. What? I can cry too?

As I knew I don't have emotions, but in the past days next to him it seemed like I can feel things too.

I heared the swhissing sound of the grass as he moved to me. He grabbed my chin and kissed me gently.

That was my time to be surprised. When he let go of me, I asked him.

'Why? Why did you...' I couldn't finish my question, because he interupped.

'I told you earlier baka, didn't I? Don't search always for the meaning of things, just do it because of the feeling!' He said and kissed me again.


That's it! Hope you like it.

Note: Requests are open, so message, or comment me a pairing that you want and I will do it. :)

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