Lonely (GaaNaru)

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Hi guys!

Sorry for not updatingfor this long. I had a huge writer's block considering yaoi...

On the other hand, this chapter was requested by XxShadow_GirlxX. Enjoy!

Pairing: Gaara X Naruto

P. O. V.: Naruto


I often felt lonely lately for multiple reasons.

Sai started dating Sakura not so long ago. They had a bit clumsy relationship at first, but now they are doing well together. First I was angry at Sai for dating Sakura, but after I saw him smile from his heart, I let them do what they want.

Moreover, Sasuke still hadn't came back. No matter how many times I try, he is obsessed with his revenge. The other guys in town were out on missions, so the possibility of a "men only hangout" was off limits too.

I felt so miserable one night, laying on my bed. Everyone is busy or having fun. But me? I'm in my home, alone.

Furthermore, the nine tails inside me wants to needle me agains my friends all the time. He tells me to turn on them, take revenge on them for leaving me alone, for not caring for me.

'I can't take it anymore!' I burst out suddenly. After grabbing my jacket, I stepped out. The cold autum wind was nipping my face, but I didn't cared.

I walked to the playground and sat down onto a swing. I felt so helpless, sitting alone. I used to go here with Sakura. This thought made me lover my head even more. I was looking down for a while, when the sand started to move in front of me in slow motions, forming thin curves.

I was watching this "play of the wind" for some time, but then I realised, that the wind is not even blowing!

I looked up. I front of me, there were Gaara standing, looking down at me.

'You look miserable Naruto.' He stated instead of greeting.

'Good evening for you too, Gaara!' I replied, looking cold, but inside I was really happy, that someone is with me. 'I thought you were busy with your works as the Kazekage. Why are you here?'

'You're right. I'm here for work now too. So if you don't mind, I go now.' He said walking away.

'Wait!' I yelled after him before I was thinking. 'Can you please stay with me for a little while?' I knew, that this made me sound weak, but the tought, that he leaves me alone too made me feel even worse.

'Just for a little while.' He nodded and sat down to the swing, which was next to mine. He were sitting silently for some moments, but then I spoke up.

'My life sucks now.' I began. 'Noone needs me. I'm useless!' Dead silence followed my words.

'Don't say that Naruto.' He said after a while. I looked up at him. His eyes were the usual deep green, but I could see a flash of caring in it. 'Everyone is needed for someone. You were the one who taught me that, along with a lot other things, which made me realise, that noone is useless!'

'Gaara...' I started, but something unexpected happened. My swing suddenly moved closer to his and the next moment, I felt his lips pressing onto mine. Gaara kissed me!

I was shocked first, but then I kissed back. Heat started to rose inside of me, making me to push my lips harder to his. When we partened for air, he spoke up again.

'I lied to you earlier.' I gave him a confused look, which made him continue. 'Work is not the only reason for me to be here. I came to see you, because I realised, that I need you, Naruto.'

'You... You need me?' I still couldn't get over the first shock of our kiss. 'But if you need me as a friend, than how can you explain what we just did?'

'I have never said, that I need you just as a friend.' His face reddened a bit. Gaara blushed? I would have never believed this if I didn't saw it with my own eyes.

'You mean, that you... you love me Gaara?' I asked nervously. The fire inside me still burning for him.

'Don't make me say that Naruto!' He growled and looked away, blush. I burst out in laugh, then lent closer to him.

'Just because I think I do.' His beautiful emerald eyes widened as he looked at me I lent even closer and the mext moment, we were kissing passionately.

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