Chapter One: Adventure bay, now Casus City

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-The Paw Patrol gang are currently adults. Adventure Bay is now a declared as the biggest city so far. Adventure Bay is now called Casus City.-
As the Paw Patrol gang slowly forgets most memories together, they too, slowly separate. Chase is now a service dog for the K-9 Unit. In Chase's spare time, he often goes to his dog kennel or  wanders the streets of the city of Casus.
Chase seees something in the ground. He picks it up.
Chase: Ugh! Why do children always drop their scrapbooks on the ground when they know it's against the law!
-Chase opens the massive album filled with stickers-
Chase: This is really dusty! This must be really old!
-Chase scans through the pages-
Chase: This sure would take about a year to read! It's a diary-Scrapbook-Album thingy. I SHOULD take this to my kennel.
-Chase takes the album to his kennel-

At the kennel...

Chase: Wow. This probably isn't a kid's book! It has Adventure Bay pictures!

As Chase scans the scrapbook, he sees random pictures of a cockapoo in random occasions

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As Chase scans the scrapbook, he sees random pictures of a cockapoo in random occasions. She seemed so familiar yet Chase can't remember her. The cockapoo seemed to be really happy. Chase always tried to remember her, but he just can't.
However, he feels something strange inside. Something he can't explain though. But, Chase ignored it and pretended it was nothing. There really was something in his guts. Something that wanted to let him do something. He just feels it inside. Chase looked at the pictures of the cockapoo. Also, it seemed that the pictures often had a picture of a husky. She had purple fur and a furry body. The cockapoo and the husky seemed to be really close to each other.
Chase: I think I remember a bit about the husky her name is: Emily?? Esmeralda?? Emilia? Elle?? Eva?? Oh, I just don't know! And the cockapoo is- Her name is-uh-related to the sky?? Oh, I just can't remember! As Chase scans more of the book, he finds a picture. A pretty familiar one. The thing is, he is in the picture and he seems young.

Chase: This picture is really old! Wait a second, I remember R-R-Ryder

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Chase: This picture is really old! Wait a second, I remember R-R-Ryder... I-I remember him! -tears run down Chase's eyes- He... He left me a decade ago! (dog years)When I was still 12 or 13! (dog years) When the Paw Patrol SEPARATED! Wait, the P-P-Paw Patrol?? I just remembered! This could be a clue!
Chase secretly leaves his kennel and goes back where the album was placed. He sniffed the scent of the album. Then, he followed the smell. It was a really long trail! Chase found a nice box, snuggled inside it, and decided to call it a day.
The next day, Chase stilled followed a trail. Along the way, he came to a fire rescue center. He was really Hungry, so, he decided it was time for him to eat. There was no more place to go. When he saw some dog biscuits, he gobbled ALL of them up.
Chase: Wow! I think this is luck!
As Chase gobbled up all the food, a Dalmatian scrambled into him and the treats. BAM!!!
Chase: Watch where you go!
Dalmatian: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I promise I won't tell them!
Chase: I understa- -Chase looks at the paw patrol photo-   M-Marshall??
Dalmatian: Who? Me?
Chase: Yes! Do you still remember the Paw Patrol??
Marshall: Yes. No. I don't know! I mean, maybe???
Chase: It's me! Chase!
Marshall: Chase? Chase!? Is it really you?!
Chase: Yes! It's me!
Marshall: Well, why didn't you say so earlier! I'm so gladto see you!
-Chase grabs the photo-
Chase: Do you... Remember her? The cockapoo?
Marshall: Hmmm... Wait, isn't that Skye!
Chase: Skye??
Marshall: Oh! I remember now! You had a crush on her back on the Paw Patrol! Too bad you couldn't just tell her!

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