Chapter Three: Heights

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I know I havent been updating for sooo long, but Ive just been very busy. But, stuff has been complicated for me for the three months of spring and stuff :/ so, Ill be updating more often.


As Rubble, Marshall, Rocky, and Chase said goodbye to the other dogs, they continued on their journey. As the scent led to the park, they were confused.
Chase: Why is it leading to the woods... To the RAINFOREST???
Marshall: I brought my bandages with me!
Rubble: And my treats
Rocky: And, well, my stuff!
Chase: ok, ok! But, we must get help before the sun ever goes down!
Rocky: I know! We can just ask the strays!
Rocky to strays: Umm, can you lead us through the ju-
Strays: GRRRRR!!!
Rocky: Ok ok! -backs up to his friends-
Chase: *sigh* we should just do this by ourselves... After all, we ARE the Paw Patrol...
Marshall: OR NOT!!! -points to the mountain-
-Marshall hides in Rubble's back-
Rubble: Dude! It's just a mountain! There's nothing to be afraid of!
Rocky: Yeah! Besides, we need to return the album first!
-As they walk, they come across a cave near a lake. They try NOT to be noticed by the campers and at the same time find shelter...
At the next morning, Rocky wakes up at hearing a splash of water. A big one, in fact!
Rocky: W-w-water???
Voice outside: WEEEEEEEEH!!!
As Rocky looks outside, he hides behind a bush. He peeks at what was happening and saw a Chocolate Labrador splashing in the water.
Chocolate Labrador: A nice bath in the water WILL satisfy me!
While the dog splashes, he comes back to land and does a giant canonball
Chocolate Labrador: INCOMING!!!
A splash fell into Rocky's head as Rocky screams
He ruined his camouflage and at the same time wakes up the other pups.
Chocolate Labrador: Who's thewe?
As Rocky runs around and the Chocolate Labrador sees him and cringes
Rubble: Rocky! Cut it out!
Chocolate Labrador: Wocky?? Wocky!
Chocolate Labrador: wocky! Its me Zuma!
As Rubble walks out of the cave and runs to calm Rocky down, he suddenly grins
Rubble: ZUMA! Dude! Its you!
Zuma: Wubble! Is it weally you??
Rubble: Yeah! Its me!
Zuma: What happened to Wocky?
Rubble: Long story short: He still IS afraid of water!
As Chase wakes up, he sees Rubble talking to Zuma. He tries to wake Marshall up.
Chase: *Whispers loudly* Marshall! Marshall! Wake UP!!
Marshall: *yawns* Chase! Its still too early! *yawns*
Chase: I've gotta show you something!
Marshall: This better be quick!
As Chase and Marshall go outside, and see Zuma and Rubble talking about Rocky
As they peek, Rubble spots them.
Rubble: Guys! There you are! Remember Zuma??
Chase: Oh, uh, Heyyy...
Zuma: Chase! Thewe you awe! You look the same but... Oldew! You awe oldew! So, tell me about youw life?
Chase: There's no time for this! Lets just do this later! The album needs to be returned! -pulls out the album-
Zuma: wait, what? An album? I think I wemembew that album! Isn't that Skye's album??
Chase: No time to remember stuff! No time for flashbacks! And no time for-
Marshall: For introductions! Theres no time for introductions, Chase!
Zuma: Mawshall?! Is It weally you??
Marshall: Theres no time!! We need to go!
As Marshall grabs Chase, Rubble follows.
Rubble: Dudes! Wait up!
Zuma: Oh, Bwothew! -grabs Rocky's old puptag
As they follow Marshall, he goes to Mt. Altum...
Chase: Gee, Marshall! You're really fast!!!
Marshall: So, where are we going???
Chase: About that... You need to follow the scent...
Marshall: Oohh...
Rubble: We really are far away now! How are we gonna get back??
Marshall: We can't... we're lost...
Chase: Ugh! Lets just get directions from, well, the locals!
Rubble: I don't think there are locals here, Chase.
Zuma: How about that cabin?
Rocky: A... Cabin...
Chase goes inside the cabin before any of his friends do.
Rubble: Where is Chase??
*loud thumps coming from the cabin and Chase screaming*
Rocky: I think THAT'S where he went...
All of the pups run to the cabin.
All: Chase!
Chase: -dizzy- I'm okay, I'm okay!
Marshall: I see. You broke your leg. Here, let me put some bandages on.
As they hear loud Footsteps from outside, they quickly hide.
Chase: *whispers* Quick! -he grabs the album
As the door creeks open, they see a man in a bonnet and a jacket, with a husky.
Man: Come on, Everest, you don't want me to eat your Granola Bars and Liver!
Husky: Liver!
Man: Oh! Who's the good girl!
Husky: I am! I am, Of course!
Man: Here, your granola bar! Extra liver flavor!
Rubble: *licks lips while staring at the food*
Chase: Rubble! No time for food!
Marshall: *whispers loudly* CHASE!!! DON'T BE SO LOUD!
Rocky: Marshall,... Youre being loud, too...
Marshall: Oh.. Sorryyy...!
Husky: I think I hear some stuff going on near the staircase, Jake! I better check it out! Stay there!
Chase: Just shut up and be QUIET for a second!
The husky gets closer and closer to the stairs. The pups rumble inside.
Husky: III.... GOTCHA!! *opens storage*
Husky: Get out of here in-
The pups go silent.
Awkward Silence -_____-
Husky: Marshall??....

To be continued...
Ill be updating... Maybe next week, or so..? IDK...
Well, Byeeee! Make sure to vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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