Chapter Two: The great escape

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As Marshall talked about Skye, Chase asked him whether he'd want to go with him. Marshall said yes and they both followed the trail. As they followed the trail, they got to a construction site. It blocked their way. It was already nighttime and they needed to sleep already. So, they decided to deal with it in the morning.
When they woke up, they quickly followed the scent, into the construction site. There were 2 Dobermanns stopped them.
Dobermann 1: Why are you here, f*ggots! Ya don't belong here!
Dobermann 2: Get outta here!
Chase: Fine, fine!
-Chase and Marshall hide in the planks and hollowed-bricks and watch if the coast is clear-
As they were watching, the Dobermanns dragged an English Bulldog and kicked and made fun of him.
Dobermann 1: Ya don't belong here, you dumb*ss! Ya belong in the couch!
Dobermann 2: WITH YA STUPID HOMIES!!! Haha!
Bulldog: Stop! Please! -tears roll down from his eyes-
The Bulldog runs out of the construction site as fast as he can as the Dobermanns chase and bark at him.
Bulldog: You are just guard dogs while I, dig! See! -He grabs his broken spade on his back and digs-
Dobermanns: Thats just a stupid kiddie toy! Hahahaha!
Bulldog: Well, you'll see! -he runs away into Chase and Marshall's spot-
Marshall: Excuse me, how did you get a shovel in your back?
Bulldog: It's a looong story *chuckles*
Chase: wait, do you know how to get us across this construction site?
Bulldog: Umm, uh, yes!
Marshall: Great!
Bulldog: But first, I must introduce myself! My name is Rubble! And-
-Chase and Marshall pull out the picture-
Chase and Marshall: RUBBLE!!!
Rubble: Are you... FROM THE PAW PATROL???!!!
Chase and Marshall: YEAH!
Marshall: Chase is here to look for Skye. She owns the album and he needs company and help in his journey.
Rubble: I CAN HELP!
As the 3 pups.. Err... Dogs are headed to the scent, they reach the far end of the city.
Marshall: Looks like THIS is the border between Casus and Mult. What do you guys think? Is the scent stopped? Or is it going to the New Jersey-Mult?
Chase: It's still here... to the Mult...
Rubble: I don't really think this is a good idea! I'm getting goosebumps!
Chase: Me neither, but I must return this book to its rightful owner!
Rubble: O-ok... If you must...
As the 3 go near to the Mult, they find the smell of pollution stronger and stronger!
Rubble: I'm really hungry! I don't wanna skip a meal!
Chase: We'll find some treats or any other food thats left.
Marshall: Think of it, Chase can now find the rightful owner and return it to her!
Rubble: Well, I think we already are in the Mult!
Marshall: oo- we're on a puddle...
Chase: I think we're all sniffing some scented paper!
Rubble: Right!
As they follow the trail, they get caught by the Dog Catchers.
Dog Catcher 1: Take the two! I'll take the German Shepherd!
Dog Catcher 2: Got them!
Chase: Get away from my friends! Don't take them! Take ME instead!
Marshall: Its ok! We're alright!
Rubble: Besides, there are more treats you will get if you don't get caught!
Chase: *growls* I won't let you go with the-
-Chase gets caught and placed in the back of the van with Rubble and Marshall-
-They all howl and tears roll down their cheeks-
As they arrived at the pound, they were placed on far and separate cages-
Chase: Why did this happen! We were just sniffing! We didn't do anything to those people! Why did they catch us!
Mix breed to Chase: Hello. Do I know you? You look really familiar!
Chase: Excuse me?
Mix breed: Well, then...
-Chase looks at the picture again-
Chase: Rocky? Is that you?
Mix breed: Wait a second! I was right! I DO know you! Chase, am I right?
Chase: Well, yeah!
Rocky: What brings you here?
Chase: I was following the trail of the scent of this scrapbook -pulls out scrapbook- and we got caught!
Rocky: Well, I DO know a way out of here
Chase: where?
Rocky: Over there! There's a little crack on the wall near you! Just grab those forceps and cut the wire! I have been trying to get those , but I'm too far away!
Chase: Ok...
Chase grabs on to the forceps and cuts the wire slowly, carefully, quietly, shifty, and steadily, so he won't get caught.
Chase: Almost there! *sweats uncontrollably* And... Done!
-Chase quickly cuts the wires of Rocky's cage-
Chase to Rocky: How about Rubble and Marshall?
Rocky: Don't worry! *silently whistles to the other dogs as Chase gives the forceps to the big Husky, up to the German Spitz.
German Spitz: Ouchie! This is heavy!
Australian Shepherd: Well I didn't know you were a ripper on whinging, mate!
Other dogs: *mumbling* Yeah! Yeah!
As the German Spitz cuts his wire and to Rubble's, Rubble was far too tired to carry the forceps.
Rubble: Just give me a minute!
German Spitz: Fine! Just don't mess with this doggo!
Rubble: *yawns* Naptime!
Chase, Marshall, and Rocky: Rubble!!
Affenpinscher: -small voice- JUST GET US OUT OF HERE!
Rubble: Huh?!
Chase: Good Old Rubble! He never grows up!
As the dogs get to the hole, quietly, the greyhound made a noise.
Greyhound: oopsy! Must've been really excited!
The guard outside then wakes up and opens the door fastly
Chase: Quick! Lets get outta here!
All dogs run out, leaving the shelter, and into the alleys.
As the dogs walk on the dark alleys, huddled around, they get scared.

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