2. Wild is Too Loud!

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(Image is of Finchkit, named after a finch bird)

Wildkit pulled her head out from under Damselkit, worming her way from under Finchkit. She stretched herself out and then sat down on the clean leaves, licking her chest.

Damselkit huffed and looked up at Finchkit. "We aren't allowed out till they get back from breakfast." He mewed before standing up and walking towards the den way. He peered out and Larkkit skidded over behind him, walking up Finchkit and Flamekit. Flamekit rolled over and pressed his back against the sleeping Rainkit. "If they are out there we can go see them." Finchkit said standing up too. Larkkit didn't wait and darted out, Wildkit raced out behind her.

Damselkit followed after Finchkit had pursed the two shes. Larkkit rammed her head straight into her mothers back and Wildkit followed suit and headbutted her mother's back. The two she's turned their heads around to see the kits pressing and rubbing their heads into their mothers fur.

"Wildkit!" Seapaw picked up the small kit and pulled Larkkit away from their mothers backs. "You two need to let your mothers eat." Seapaw purred putting Wildkit down. Damselkit darted forwards and bit Seapaw's hindleg hard. The Healer Apprentice yelped and kicked the black kit away. Damselkit puffed up and hissed loud Snailpaw races forwards and curled a paw around the puffed up kit "Calm down little guy." Snailpaw purred.

Seapaw laughed and touched noses with Damselkit jokingly "Aww are you being tough?" He chuckled. Finchkit stood, very confused and walked over to his mother Windfoot. Sitting on her tail. Larkkit darted forward and smacked Seapaw in the nose "Leave him alone." She growled and puffed up twice the size of Wildkit.

Greyflight snatched Larkkit "You sit and be quiet, what's with you trying two trying to fight everyone." She looked at Damselkit. Wildkit sat scratching her cheek with a hindleg before she leaned forwards huffing. Seapaw turned his attention to her as Snailpaw let Damselkit. Wildkit gagged, leaning over the ground she stood up gagging. Seapaw walked around her and licked her back "Are you okay??".

Her mother turned around just as Wildkit vomited clear liquid into the dirt. She curled up and swallowed a few times, her throat hurt. Kelpface walked over with a leaf coated in a sticky substance "Feeling sick again?" The white She healer put the leaf down for the kit to lick. "I told you not to overeat, your going to keep getting sick." She scowled the kit as she pushed the leaf forwards. Wildkit glared up at her "I need to eat to get bigger." She mumbled licking at the leaf.

Smallshell's eyes softened as she looked at her kit "Sweetheart, Your Father and I are pretty small. You won't get any bigger than I am probably." She tried to lick her kit, but Wildkit dipped her head away. "I'll be bigger than you both." She stated in a matter-of-a-fact tone. Kelpface laughed a bit "It would be a miracle if you do.". Wildkit looked up at her smirking "Don't you always say I'm a miracle?" Wildkit shot back, "I only say that to try and teach you modesty." Kelpface stuck her tongue out at the kit.

Wildkit stood up, raising her chin. She ignored Kelpface and walked to sit in front of her Mother. Kelpface sighed, closing her eyes for a second "You should be named Priseykit." Wildkit felt her cheeks go hot in embarrassment "Just you wait," Wildkit sneered "I'm going to become the best defender in the clan, and then I'm going to be a Second!" Wildkit whipped her head around and stuck her tongue out at Kelpface. "Yea!" Larkkit shouted in support.

Flamekit and Rainkit had walked out of the nursery in the commotion "When I'm a Star I'm not going to let you be one of my seconds." Flamekit cried out, walking to his mother, Rainkit followed after him chattering away.

Wildkit looked at Flamekit "I'm going to be the Best Defender, You'll have to pick me." She mewed softly, "Rainkit will be the best Gatherer and I'll be the best Defender." Seapaw butted in "Aww, Wildkit are you sucking up to Flamekit?" He smirked jabbing a paw towards him "Do you like him~" Seapaws voice went in a singy-tone. Flamekit looked away immediately but Wildkit puffed up. "As If!" She screeched.

(They are all kind of spazzy. Whoops.)

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