Chapter Five~

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~Chapter Five~

I think I might have died and been revived. I sit on the wooden chair, stunned. "Wh ... WHAT?!" I screech. The sound stops Daisy from playing, and she comes running over to me. 

"Lilly-Mae, friend, are you okay?" She asks, her eyes wide. I'm suddenly starstruck by her. She's Darren Waters' sister. I nod at her, eyes wide.

"Yeah, Daisy. I'm fine?" I say, unsure. She grins at me, her bright blue eye shining. Now I think of it, her eyes are nearly an exact match to the ones that I've studied for the past year. My breathing comes out short. I stand up. I look over at Derek and Debbie. "I'm, uh, going to my room ... for a lay down ..." I walk past them, back into the house. 

I hear rushed foot steps behind me, and Debbie spins me around. "If you're not okay with this, honey, Darren can stay with his Grandma or one of the other boys." She assures me, giving the top of my arm a squeeze. I shake my head.

"No, it's fine. I'll be okay. Just a bit of a shock, you know?" I peer at her from under my hair. Her eyes have softened. "The band's been like, a rock. It sounds silly, I know." I shrug. 

Debbie lets out a soft laugh. "No, it doesn't, Sweetheart. It's perfectly normal." I look back up at her again, and she's giving me a little smile. I give her a smile back, and she pulls me into her arms. "You'll be okay, honey. We can keep you both out of each others way if it gets too much for you,okay?" I nod into her shoulder.

I pull away. "Thanks for being an awesome Godmother." I grin at her. She grins back and gives me a little bow.

"At your service, m'lady." We both collapse in a fit of giggles. She gives my hand a quick squeeze before going towards the back door. I'm about to step onto the stairs, when Debbie says my name. 

"Yeah?" I answer, peering around the banister. 

"Do you want pizza for dinner? I was thinking of ordering something. Jenny, Derek's Mum, has had to put up with a hyper little girl for the past few days, and us three have been sat in a car nearly all day." She explains. 

I nod at her. "Sure. I love pizza!" I laugh. She laughs too, before retreating to the garden. I walk up the stairs, managing to remember which room was mine. I go to my desk and open my laptop. I flick on the tv, so I don't feel like I'm  a loner. I open up my facebook, and I'm only half listening to the tv. 

I hear Bro Down mentioned, and I turn all my attention to the telly. 

"Greg, would you mind telling us why exactly you're not going ahead with the tour as planned?" Greg is on the screen, along with Darren,Jaden and Benjy. Greg glances at the other boys, before pushing his blonde hair back off his forehead.

"Well," He starts, "There's been some disagreements, so we're just having a bit of time off before the next album comes out and before tour." He flashes the camera a grin.

"Does this mean you're breaking up?" Another reporter asks, shoving a microphone in Darren's face. Darren looks pretty mad. He sweeps his black hair up, onto one side. 

"No. We're not breaking up. There's just some issues that need to be sorted out." He glares at the ground. The reporters are still yelling questions at them. It's making me pretty mad, to be honest. Don't they freaking understand what they've just said? They're not breaking up, they're taking a break. There's a big difference. 

The interview finishes and I turn both the laptop and tv off. Debbie calls up that the pizza's here. I walk down stairs and go into the kitchen. I see an old lady playing dolls with Daisy. She looks up as I walk in, and smiles at me. "Hello, dear. You must be Lilly-Mae. It's nice to meet you, I'm Jenny." I walk over and shake her hand, smiling.

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