Chapter 15

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Song is Figure 8 by Ellie Goulding

This chapter is EDITED

Victoria POV:

The silence had remained for the rest of the time we stood on that patio, neither of us willing to break it until the sun had disappeared behind the horizon. "I'll drive you home." Elijah announced, not bothering to wait for a reply before he walked around towards the Lockwood's driveway. I followed close behind him and found myself once again thinking, but it didn't last long as I soon arrived at a sleek black car which I immediately assumed to be Elijah's choice of transportation for the time being.

He opened the passenger side door and I found myself smiling as I slid into the seat. The door closed shortly after and it didn't take more than a half second for Elijah to be occupying the driver seat. "I didn't mean to get so angry and I apologize for causing a scene." My fingers wove through each other as the words left my mouth, this was the first time I'd been even slightly nervous in centuries.

"There's no need to apologize, Victoria." He told me as he turned out of the driveway and onto the deserted streets. "You were just angry with me for hurting your friend, you had good reason. It's me who should be apologizing for things, not you."

I nodded my head, slowly turning back to look out the window at the buildings and trees we passed. "Why didn't you say all those things before?" I couldn't keep myself from the topic, what had just happened was probably the most nerve wrecking and confusing thing anybody has said to me in all my days on this earth.

"You deserve more than an excuse for my actions." He replied, moving one of his hands off the steering wheel to grab a water bottle from the console. The water bottle, however, wasn't filled with water but a deep crimson liquid that I could recognize quite easily. "I have no way to justify them, all I can do is hope that maybe someday you could be able to forgive me for them." The bottle was offered to me and I took it, unscrewing the cap before taking a large sip.

The Salvatore house loomed into view and the car was pulled to a complete stop behind my own car. There were a few lights scattered throughout various windows and I even noticed Stefan's room light had either been left on or turned on by Damon. My door was opened and I looked over at it to see Elijah standing there. My eyes went to the driver seat and I realized he was missing from it.

As soon as I stepped out of the car something caught my attention, an unrecognizable man standing in the window. "Elijah." I nudged him and pointed at the intruder, activating my vampire hearing in hopes I could tap into whatever kind of conversation he was having with the other people in that room.

"You know what the great thing about buckshot is?" It was a woman's voice, a highly recognizable one at that. "It scatters throughout the body, maximum damage." She was taunting someone and I could only guess it was Damon, but what really caught my attention was the loud click I heard afterwords. "Where's the moonstone?"

"They're looking for the-" I turned to where I expected Elijah to be standing, but he was gone. The front door was slightly ajar and I assumed he'd already caught onto what Jules was doing in my house. My feet carried me into the house as well, finding Elijah holding the moonstone as he leant up against a wooden post.

"You looking for this?" He questioned the mutts who all turned to look at him, each of them assessing Elijah in an attempt to figure out who he was and why he was holding the moonstone. As Elijah began descending the few stairs in the room, my eyes caught Damon who was chained to a chair with what looked like a wooden nail collar piercing into his neck. Elijah walked over and placed the moonstone on a book. "Go ahead." He coaxed, taking a few steps away and trying to seem like he was surrendering or giving up. "Take it."

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