Chapter 35

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*couldn't find a video but the song is Babes by Icky Blossoms and the picture is Erik (Jackson Rathbone)*

Victoria POV:

I woke the next morning to the sounds of someone moving around the room, I opened one of my eyes to see the closet door was opened and Elijah was adjusting his tie. My eyes went to the clock on the bedside table, it read 7:30. "Putting on a suit just to walk downstairs, your obsession has achieved new heights." I remarked with a smile, he looked over at me.

"Good morning, Victoria." He greeted me as I climbed from the bed to walk over to him. I took the tie in my hands, forcing him to release it as I adjust the fabric around his neck. This being only the second time I had ever worked with a tie, I was impressed by my skills. "Thank you, and the suit is for my meeting with Damon Salvatore."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Your meeting with Damon Salvatore?"

"Don't worry, Victoria." He placed one of his hands on my cheek. "I have it all under control, we can discuss it further later on today."

I nodded and he smiled. "I will hold you accountable to that statement." I assured him.

"I'd expect nothing less from you." He teased me and I narrowed my eyes playfully, this was a rare thing for us. Normally there was some dark cloud looming over head just waiting to rain on us, but now the sky was perfectly clear. Elijah placed a kiss on my forehead. "Now, I must go. Try not to get yourself into any trouble while I'm gone."

Elijah didn't wait for a reply from me as he removed his hand from my cheek and walked from the room. I sighed and turned around, eyeing myself in the mirror, clad in only my undergarments with hair that reminded me of a loin's mane that would take centuries to tame. Instead of brushing it out, though, I used the hair elastic on my wrist to pull it up in the messiest bun I had ever seen before I went to Elijah's closet.

I studied the shirts that were hung up, the white ones were on one end of the closet and they gradually got dark until I reached the black ones in the back of the closet. "Sorting by shade of color," I laughed quietly, "how very Elijah."

My hands landed on one of the black dress shirts and I took it from it's hanger, slipping it on before buttoning it up. I left the top three buttons undone and exited the closet, making sure to shut the door behind me. Wandering from the bedroom, I made my way towards the stairs.

"Would you look at this." I could recognize his voice from a mile away and I turned to look at Erik, he was still alive? I had half expected Niklaus to kill him after I'd left the two of them alone, not invite him in. "Personally I think you'd look much less suspicious if you'd just gone with wearing yesterday's clothes."

I glared at the vampire. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Victoria, I'm pretty sure every vampire in the country knows what I'm talking about." He taunted and I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes ever farther to look at him out of slits between my eyelids. "I'm not surprised by your actions considering your habits, but I had at least hoped you'd learned something since I last saw you. No birds and bees while there are other vampires in the house."

I started laughing at his final statement. "Did you really just say that?"

"Yes, I did."


Elijah had been gone quite some time now and I was beginning to get worried, what did he need to talk to Damon about and why was it taking so long to reach a conclusion? I had finally managed to locate a blood-bag in this house, like the Salvatore brothers, Niklaus insisted upon hiding them in a cooler in his basement. As if it wasn't the most obvious place to hide something you don't want found. I kept my blood-bags in my fridge. "I see you've consumed half the blood supply here." A voice remarked and I looked over at Niklaus.

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