Cheryl and Josie❤️🐱 (Part 1)

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Imagine: Cheryl trying to make you jealous with Josie

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Imagine: Cheryl trying to make you jealous with Josie.
You were stretching and talking to Betty and Veronica when all of a sudden Cheryl (your ex) stalked up to you.
"Go away, Cheryl."Veronica snapped."None of us like you."
"Now now, Veronica. I'm assuming you and Betty still want to be Vixens. I just came to introduce my new girlfriend. Josie!"Cheryl called over the lead Pussycat.
"Hi."Josie smiled.
"You're terrible, Cheryl."Betty told her.
"It's ok, Betty."You mumbled meekly.
"No it's not!"Veronica suddenly became extremely angry at Cheryl."We quit!"
"I'm sorry. What?"Cheryl questioned.
"All three of us."Veronica motioned to you, Betty and herself."We. Quit."
As soon as you were away from Cheryl you hugged Veronica."Thank you, Ronnie."
"That's what best friends are for."

Go to my Betty one that says Part 2

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