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~Chapter 5~

Eyes flickering open. Copper lashes parted to show the dirt ground. The owner, shaking at the ringing sensation in their head, tried to register their current predicament, sitting up. Gulping for air their hand raised to slip threw silken sandy blonde strands covered in grime and sweat, sighing when his chest stopped constricting in pain. "Make that two plane crashes." He verbally complained, sky blue falling to look all around.

He was not far from the actual crash, his body right in front of the nose of the jet, the window broken and shattered. Flames all around. Looking down at his body he came to the realization that he was covered in wounds, but nothing fatal... By why was that? Picking his body up he noticed he was alone, the other two out of sight. "Ether they fell out way before... Or left me for dead." (I doubt Jake would but Wes... That's a different subject.

Moving to the plane he climbs in looking into the broken window for any reminisce of the two... Nothing. Sighing he jumped off, shaking his head in disbelief when his device went off. Pulling it out he flips it open. "Leon! Leon are you ok!" A female voice exclaimed, a brunet on the other end. 

"Hunnigan," he softly spoke, his mind still trying to piece together his reality. The women, shown in the device slowly nodded. 

"Yes, good to see your all right... Where are you? What happened," she questioned on the other side, getting straight to the point.

Kennedy, looking around real quick turned back to the phone. "Got the information and blew the place up as planned... But got a little detoured and caught by the blast." 

Hunnigan, inclined in understanding. "Good... But what do you mean got detoured?" she asked, her face concerned.

Leon looked into her eyes staying silent. "Personal stuff," he answered, letting her know he can't speak about it on these devices. 

Understanding she looked around then leans near the mic. "Ok." she started, checking again. "Listen Leon... The president has been off lately. He was talking about sending you on another suicide mission if you lived this one. And its a lot farther." Biting her lip she began to fist her hand. "Even though you were proven innocent... They still blame you. I can't believe the president is so set on killing you. These missions are for teams, not one man!" Kennedy felt his face drop, guilt striking with sadness.

Looking away he took a deep breath. "Yeah... Not surprising. Maybe I can Talk to Chris and the BSAA about the secret missions. He may help... But most likely I'm on my own." Looking back he lightly shrugged. "Nothing new, I'm sure I can handle it... But don't tell the president I'm alive or done." Pausing for a second he watched her look around once more. "Its to do some unfinished business." He finished when her eyes met his own.

Hunnigan nods, smiling softly. "Ok, getting off now, shut your phone off till you want to come in. That way they don't track you, or just attach that off radar piece when you can... Good luck." then the line cut off. Sighing, Leon shut the phone off, holding the power button for just a moment more.

Sticking it back into his pocket he looked around once more. A forest was all around him, ruble from the plane and small flames flickering nearby. Starting to walk he noticed a small bike trail. "Guess I should just follow the yellow brick road." He sarcastically commented doing just that.

He felt off about leaving without the two added persona's but what choice did he have? At least that was what he thought when he heard gunshots suddenly go off.

Ducking low he listened intently for whatever it was to hear another sound off, this time followed by a curse. (I know that voice...) he informed himself, rising to run in that general direction. A forest clearing was found, a circle arena provided as two males stood in the middle, both with guns near their throat. (Really?) He thought, walking near the two and shoving them apart- much to their surprise. "You know... We promised on you talking to him Jake, not attempting to kill after thinking I was dead." He quipped both looking at him with shocked eyes.

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