Author wars

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Michael: Jasmine wants to put our little author war in a book cause we found out that it takes up most of the chapter and where is Jasmine anyway .-.

Jasmine: *wakes up in a potatoe sack at the dump* I smell something horrible! *pops out of potatoe sack* WHAT THE DUCK!!! I'M AT THE DUMP D: *Gets chased by a duck and a junk yard dog* WHY IS THIS HAPPENING! GET AWAY DEVIL DUCK AND DEVIL DOG HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!

Sara: Our authors are stupid :/

Mitch: Yep :/ come on we have to get ready for chapter 6

Sara: Hokeyp but let me do something first *hits the duck with a shovel and throws a bone for the dog* there

Jasmine: Thanks Sara :D now if you'll excuse me I have to go see Michael *puts on sunglasses and rides away on a unicorn*

Sara: Jasmine's a idiot =__=

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