Chapter 30

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Ok so pax east from this year is the one that will be used...since thats the schedule I could find first ._.


Sara's POV

Pax just started was crowded. People were running around in all directions and I thought I saw some people give me dirty looks when they saw that I was holding Mitch's hand. We also got separated from Enti and Jerome a few  minutes after we got here and I was curious on where they were.

"Sara what's wrong?" Mitch asked as we walked hand in hand.

"I'm just curious on where Enti and Jerome are. They left a few minutes after we got here and well...Enti and Jerome ran away holding hands." I then heard Mitch's familier laugh.

"Well let's just have some fun ok?" I managed to put a small smile on my face.



"Sara I don't have to go I can just stay with you." Mitch said as we held eachothers hands infront of the albatross theater.

"Mitch you and Jordan have to do this. I'll be fine ok? I'll see you around two right here." We kissed and he walked through the doors while I walked away to find the to find the food court. Hey I was starving give me a break! I may look skinny but I am a botomless pit when it comes to food.

I found it after a few minutes of searching, ordered pizza (Prizza!) and sat down at a table to eat. After a few bites I felt a few pairs of eyes on me, I looked around and I saw two guys staring at me from another table. After I looked they got up and made there way to me.

'This is going to be interesting' I thought.

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