The journey continues

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Luna found a broken stable nearby with just enough horses for them all to use so they can get to the next village as quickly as possible. Luna had a white horse white a white main and tail its eyes were a ocean blue the horses name was moonlight, Felix had a white horse as well but it had a purple main and tail with a set of matching purple eyes Felix's horse was called Kat, Karla had a light brown horse with a dark brown main and glistening blue eyes the horse was called Myst, Karma had a black horse with a black main and a mixture of brown and red eyes the horse was called Ash finally Nagisa had a black horse with a blue main and blue matching Nagisa's horse was called Blueberry.

Everyone was worried about Luna and wether she'll be ok after all that's happened but to help they all smiled in front of her and acted strong to keep her strong although Karma and Nagisa weren't pretending since they knew their friend will be ok she just needs time they told themselves. They were all greeting their horses ready and putting their bags on them once they were done Luna came over yelling "IT'S TIME TO GO" they went to the villages now cracked stone gate Luna looked back at the village it was destroyed and beaten so much the once cheerful place was now unrecognisable she swore to herself she'll protect and save everyone else and do everything thing she couldn't do for this village. Then they all turned and wondered into the forest on their horses.

As they wondered down the small fading path in the forest they heard a large bang and black glow from up ahead so they rushed down there on their horses to find out what was going on. When they got there they saw a man dressed in all black with raven hair flying in the sky casting spells and torturing the old merchant they saw before this filled Luna thus rage as she got if her horse and pulled out her red and blue katana as her eyes diamond blue eyes turned a crimson red. She charged at her target jumping as her friends got ready to back her up Luna swung her sword at the man in mid air as his body turned to black dust and teleported somewhere else. Luna landed in front of her friends and her her swords ready to fight she yelled at the man in black "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? LEAVE THAT MAN ALONE!" The raven haired man chuckled as he began to say in a soft yell "well... I think I'm Lord Zereph and I'm sorry to call this meeting short princess but I'm not ready to deal with you yet bye!" With that he threw a blast at them as Karma ran in front of all of them and blocked the blast with a shield spell.

They all looked at the place where the raven haired used to stand with rage filled eyes and anger written all over their faces. Then Luna took a deep breath and walked over to the merchant with a sad smile holding a hand over to him saying "are you ok? I'm sorry we couldn't help sooner" the old man smiled at her saying "I'm alright thank you for helping me when you saw I was in trouble" Luna have the man a smile and told him "of course we helped! It's wrong to leave someone when there in danger and need help" the old man got up and nodded please with her reply as she looked over to her friends he vanished just like last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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