A Story

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Roselyn's POV

When he asked that question I got really sad and angry at the same time. When I realized he wasn't going to make me tell I decided I really wanted to get it out and tell someone. So, I pushed down the lump that formed in my throat. I began to tell him my story.

" When this," I said waving my hand at in the air, meaning the dead walking." It was just my family, mom, dad, and my kid sister. She was only my half-sister." I pause thinking about my family. " You see my sister and I were only related through my mom. I was just a mistake. You see that's how my brother and I are siblings. We're only half but my brother used to say, 'Half sister or not you're still my baby sister.' " I smiled at the memory of Daryl. "My step-dad never liked me because I wasn't his but some drunkards daughter. So he didn't really treat me like their own child, not even my mom. The only people who loved me in my family were my kid sister, Daryl, and sometimes Merl seemed like he actually cares about me. Even just a little bit." I smiled from just thinking about them.

"Wait, I don't see how this has to do with the group you were in." said Carl.

" You see I'm just trying to tell you how they hate me. Well, anyway in the beginning we met a group they were really nice helped and us a lot. The longer I stayed I start seeing the pitiful looks I was getting from some of the people and it scared me a lot. I later came to realize that my parents were planning something. I went on a run with some other people one day. I was in a store and then a group of walkers came around the corner. I was looking for one of the people to come and help me deal with them. No one ever came. They left me to die. When I got out I realized they never really cared about me and that my parents hated me so much they wanted me dead. They saw the opportunity and took it." I was about to cry.

    Then Carl hesitantly asked. "Here why don't we talk about how you were born." He reached out and wiped some of the tears away. Carl was such a sweet.

       "You see when my mom was young and didn't know what love was and she thought she loved my dad but later realized she didn't. That she was too young to have a child. So they had a split custody I stayed with my dad on the weekends and on the weekdays with my mom. Even if she did hate me she wanted me to have good education so that at least she could get something out of it. Eventually she got married. Her husband and I got along just fine and later they had a little girl and in their eyes she was perfect. She really was, I loved her. How could I not? She was my sister. While I was there, proof of her greatest regrets. Then one day they realized that I didn't belong in their perfect little family and I knew it too. Once they realized their chance to get rid of once and for all they took the chance. Not even caring that I was their daughter/step-daughter."

"Oh," At this point Carl was rendered speechless. I could tell. "Um.. sorry"

I wiped a stray tear away "Don't be it wasn't your fault." I turned to him and smiled a sad smile. The next thing I knew I was pulled into an embrace. I couldn't hold back the tears any more I started sobbing like crazy.

" It's okay. I'm here for you" He cooed other comforting words into my ear. Carl was just perfect he was nice, caring, strong, sweet, and brave. All in all he was just an amazing person. Why couldn't all boys be like him? My heart started speeding up. Wait, was I actually falling for Carl Grimes? ...It does seem that way.


Sorry,it took me so long I didn't know what to write. I am going to try publishing longer chapters but I hope you liked it!


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