Part 51//Her first day

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Friday 22nd June 2018

Erika's Point Of View:

Me and Jake were up and down all night long,I'm really tired but it's Jake's turn to nap right now.Im watching Kasey until 8am then Jake will watch her while I nap.

I am feeding her right now,she drinks so much.Im hoping we can leave the hospital tonight or tomorrow because I hate the vibes hospitals give you.We should be able to leave tonight because Kasey is a good weight now,she was a small baby.I think Tessa is bringing Owen today,I'm not sure though I'll text her later.

I finish up feeding Kasey then I burp her.I put her down on my chest and gave her a pacifier to suck on,she soon fell asleep curled up on my chest.

"Morning Girls."My nurse,Annie says.

"Morning."I smile at her.

"I have some news."She says walking to the side of my bed.

"What is it?"I curiously ask.

"After a Doctor checks you and Kasey over,you guys can go home.You will most likely be able to leave around six tonight."She tells me.

"Yay.Thanks,When will we get checked?"

"As soon as someone can come and do it.Hopefully this afternoon,I brought some more diapers for you too."She puts some diapers on the counter.

"Thank you."I say.

"No problem,I see Jake is passed out."Annie laughs.

"Ya,it's his turn to nap."I inform her.

"He has the easy job,lucky guy.Is the little one coming today?"She asks wrapping the blood pressure thing around my arm.

"Probably.I called him and he misses us like crazy."I giggle.

"He is so cute."She checks my blood pressure.

"He is an angel."I say."and a mommy's boy,well actually he likes Jake very much."

"You have a baby girl now so it's equal.Right,I'll be back later to check your blood pressure.Take a nap when you can,your gonna need it."Annie informs me.

"Okay,see ya later."I wave as she leaves.

I yawn and lay back.I start to close my eyes until Kasey starts moving,telling me she is awake.I kiss her forehead and she looks up at me,she has my green eyes and long eyelashes.

"Hi baby."I whispered to her.

She yawned and her pacifier fell out,so that means more tears.

"No no,it's fine."I reach for her pacifier but there is already a hand on it.

"Oh.Hi babe."I laugh.

"Hey."He stands up and gives Kasey her pacifier.

Jake kisses me and I obviously kiss back.Then he takes Kasey so I can nap.

Jake's Point Of View:

Erika is napping now while I take care of Kasey.Tessa just texted me saying that she is coming to visit,just her and Owen though cause it's boys are still sleeping.Im gonna wake Erika because Kasey needs feeding and she has been sleeping for two hours.

I get up and put Kasey in her hospital crib.

"Erika."I whispered kissing her nose a few times.

"Mmm."She mumbled not opening her eyes.

"You need to wake up,Kasey needs feeding and Tessa and Owen are on there way."I tell her.

She grunts and sits up.

"We can leave later,Annie said."She says.

"That's good.Ill help you change and shower if you want."I offer.

"Sure,Thanks."She swings her legs over the side of the bed."Can you help me walk,I'm really sore."She says,I nod and help her to the shower.

I help her get off her clothes and lift her onto the seat in the shower after she wipes it down of course.

"You Good now?"I ask.

"Yeah,I'll be done in like 5 cause I'm not washing my hair,I did it the night that we came here."I walk out the bathroom and see Kasey sucking her foot.

"Why don't you use your pacifier?"I ask her laughing.I tickle her stomach a little and she grabs my finger and puts it in her mouth.

"Okay that's gross but whatever."I laugh again.

"Jake,I'm done can you come help?"Erika shouts.

"Yeah."I swap my finger with her pacifier and go back to the bathroom.

I wash my finger(Idk why but this made me laugh so hard😂)then help Erika change into some black JP sweatpants and a blue Adidas sweater.

"Tessa will be here anytime."I remind Erika.

"Yah yah,I know."She walks over to the couch and plops herself down."I'm so sore it's unreal."She wines.

"I'm sorry baby."I say picking Kasey up and sitting next to Rik.

"I need to feed her,then you can change her.Wait change her now cause she smells of shit."Erika says,I laugh as she says it in a really serious voice."Get on with it."She smacks my arm.

"Okay Okay,damn.Your hot when your mad though."I shrug putting Kasey on the changing table.

"If I hadn't just pushed out a baby like 30 hours ago I would be attacking you right now,you lucky bastard."She squints at me.

"It has its pros."I say."I'm joking,babe I'm joking."I smile at her.

"Your lucky you look cute and that your my fiancé,else you would be a piece of dead meat."She laughs.

"You look cute too."I flirt back.

"What with bags under my eyes and a messy bun.Don't even lie."

"I'm not lying."I say.

I finish up changing Kasey and hand her to Erika,then she gets a call on her phone.

"It's T."She says handing me the phone.

I unlock it with my Touch ID and answer.She basically just asked the room number.

"What did she need?Is She here yet?"Erika asks.

"Yeah,she needed the room number."I tell her,she nods and stops feeding Kasey.

"She drinks enough for the whole of America."Erika say,we both laugh.

"She shits enough too."I add.

We hear a knock at the door.

"Come in."I shout.

The door creeks open and Owen comes running in.

"MOMMMMMYYYYYY!!!!!!DADDDYYYYYYY!!!!"He screams jumping into my arms.

"Heyyyyy."I squeeze him.He gives me a kiss and I put him down to go to Erika.

"Hey Owen."Erika holds out her arms.

"I miss oo."Owen tells her.

"I missed you too."She replies.

"Hey T."Me and Erika both say at the same time.

"Hi Jerika."She waves closing the door."Can I see Kasey?"She asks hugging Erika.

"You can hold her,she needs burping too if you wanna do that."Erika points at Kasey who is in her hospital crib.

"I'm on it,I love babies."She squeals.

Owen cuddles up to Erika and hugs her.

"Awe."Erika coos."Tessa maybe you and Tristan should have a baby."Erika blurts out.

"Erika!Jake please don't tell anyone."Tessa begs.

"I won't,the secret is safe with me."

Be mine?//A Jerika fanfic 💗Where stories live. Discover now