chapter 14

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"Did that really just happen or am i dreaming?" Tamara asked as she stood staring at Ty lee.

"I- i don't even know..." Ty lee replied still in a daze.

"Who is he?" Suju asked, impatiently getting to the details. "And what the hell are you dressed as?" They both looked her up and down in her restyled uniform.

"His name is Jooheon... he's a transfer student but won't be here for long." Ty lee replied ignoring the part about her uniform.

"Jooheon? I've never heard of or seen him before. Why was he eating your face off?" Suju replied.

"He was not!" Ty lee snapped out of her trance.

"Looked pretty intimate." Tamara said.

"Look. I barely know him and i certainly am not involved with him. He just tried it on with me thats all." Ty lee said to her friends as she pulled her skirt down a little.

"If you say so..." Tamara looked at her oddly, definitely not believing her story.

"Come we better head to class." Ty lee said as she started to walk with her two friends. They were silent for a moment as they walked into the building back down the hall.

"Does he have a friend?" Tamara asked curiously before getting a slap on the arm. "Ow!"

"Don't you start."suju warned.

"I was just kidding..." tamara said.


The final bell went for the day as all the students left their classrooms. Ty lee, and Tamara stood around Suju as she put her books in her locked in the hall.

"Are you walking home tonight?" Suju asked as she stood the books up neatly.

"Umm... no i don't think so." Ty lee replied. They both looked at her for an explanation. "I'm walking with Changkyun." She said quickly.

"Hmm. Didn't know you still spoke."she replied before slamming her locker door shut and twisting the key.

"Yeah since the whole riot thing happened, he's been very protective and now actually wants to know i exist." She laughed as she leaned against the lockers next to Suju's. Her eyes drifted past Suju to further down the corridor when Taehyung and Jungkook were walking. They both looked distressed about something as they stormed down the hall.

"Quick push me into him!" Ty lee said to her friends as she stood ready to be pushed. Tamara hesitated for a moment while Suju just stared at her oddly. "Cummon just do it!" She hissed. Tamara then pushed her friend on the chest, harder than she thought and Ty lee went flying into Taehyung, making her fall flat on her face and knocking his phone out of his hand and across the floor. Jungkook ran to pick it up while Ty lee sat up on the floor.

"Oops... sorry i didn't see you there."she smiled playfully at him.

"Are you fucking serious?" Taehyung replied. It was the first time she had ever heard him speak directly and it was thrilling yet a little scary. "Fucking watch where you're going!" He snapped at her making her flinch.

"Oh.."she whisepred nervously. It was definitely not the reaction she was expecting. Jungkook handed the phone back to Taehyung. It wasnt broken, barely even a scratch. He examined it before looking back at Ty lee who was cowering slightly, finding his behaviour extremely volatile and unexpected. She remembered his face when he had her brother by the neck. It's not a fate she wanted for herself so she froze in fear when seeing his face full with anger.

"Ugh ..." he said at the sight of her scared face when he realised he was too harsh. "Look... i'm ... i.." he tried to get his words out as he massaged the back of his neck. In frustration he stormed off in a huff before he could say anything. Jungkook followed after him to help calm him down.

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