chap 10

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~~ 3rd person ~~

The day before they start the show Matt and Keith walk up to Coran

“Coran, for the show maybe one of the days Katie could sing? She has a beautiful voice, and she has a new song...” Matt says kind nervous

“Does number 3 know about this?” Coran asks suspiciously

“No, but she needs to sing the song she wrote. It's about what's going on.” Keith says calmly. “We can get her to do it you just have to agree”

“If number 3 says yes then I agree,” Coran says and walks off

“let's go tell Pidge,” the two boys say together

~~ in her room ~~

“ I'm not singing,” she says looking at the two boys

“Please. I want to hear you again and you have the best energy when you are on stage.” Matt says pleading with puppy dog eyes

“Fine...only once” She reluctantly agrees and then kicks the boys out of her room

“Great now I have to find something to wear...”

~~ time skip brought to you by brain worms ~~

“Now cool cats before the last Voltron show We have something special for you guys,” Coran says to everyone “ Introducing the beautiful, the amazing, Katie Holt!!” Katie walks out in a black dress on and a sad smile. “ Handing the mic over now.”

“Hi. I have a song for you all tonight. I wrote it not long ago. I hope you all like it...” she says nervously. Slowly you hear soft guitar playing in the distance.

“I understand

I understand why you'd choose her

She beautiful In every way that im not

I miss when you were mine

It breaks my heart to see you two”

Shiro doesn't understand why, but he feels his heartbreaking as she sings

"But I have to let it be

You're happy and that's all that matters to me

I'll love you forever

Even if you don't remember

I'll let you free

Seeing you with her hurts more

I remember when we first kissed

It was magical

I remember when we first danced

That's when you stole my heart”

Everyone sees a small tear fall from her eye as she sang her song

“Now it's all just a broken promise

A broken love

I'll be with forever I swear to you

But if we get home

I'll only wish you happiness with her

You don't need me anymore

I'll find another to hold my love...maybe one day”

As the song comes to an end the audience cheers “Thank you for listening to my song. Now on to the main event!” Pidge runs backstage and quickly changes.

~~ time skip after last battle of season four ~~

“What do you want Lotor” Shiro asks when they all get to the castle

“I wish to call a truce. I want my father to lose power. You all are my only chance. We can end this war after my father.” Lotor explains sitting calmly

“And why should we trust you?” Pidge asks, sitting across from him

“I understand you have no reason to but I want my father gone as well. I don't think I recognize you m'lady” Lotor says slightly flirting

“Green paladin. You can call me Pidge.” She looks at him curiously. Shiro starts to feel a strange feeling in his stomach again

“You are the green paladin? I never expected a girl. Let alone one so beautiful.” Lotor says taking her hand and kissing her knuckles, and she blushes lightly not used to someone doing this

“Dude step away from her before I punch you,” Matt says really annoyed

“I'm sorry. I wasn't aware she had a mate.” Lotor says backing up and sitting across from Pidge again

“I don't... Anymore” she looks away from the group sadly

“Anymore?” both Lotor and Shiro thing curiously

“Then why is the boy angry with me if he is not your mate?” Lotor cocks his head slightly looking confused

“He's my brother” She laughs lightly “ He is very protective of me”

“her laugh is angelic” Lotor thinks smirking slightly on the outside

“I say we put him on probation. See if it lasts.” Pidge says. The boys reluctantly agrees

“Thank you m'lady,” Lotor says standing slowly up

“I'll show you to a guest room. Follow me.” Pidge says as she stands and starts walking out of the room, Lotor following close behind.

Authors note:

I know Lotor is a bit ooc but I'm me and its part of a plan. I'm sorry I know I'm evil. don't kill me I'm sorry.

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