What If It Was Later (canon)

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3rd PoV
The 501st and Anakin had been clearing the blockade with General's Tiplee and Tiplar for the past two days working through the droids that were thrown at them. The casualties had been heavy in both the separatists and republic but when the time came they all knew what to do. The combined forces of both legions was enough to capture most of the ring ship until they reached their final destination. As everyone slowed to a stop near a three pronged crossway Rex dropped to a knee and brought up a holo graphic map. Anakin, Tiplee and Tiplar knelt next to him with Commander Doom standing over looking down arms crossed over his chest.
"So what now? We charge down the middle and be cut off before we even hit the enemy?" Doom says darkly
"No the plan is General Tiplee and Tiplar you will run down these two parallel paths here and here," pointing to the two outside paths highlighting them red in the process, "while I bring my men down the middle corridor here and we all converge in a full frontal attack separating their forces." Anakin concluded standing up, Tiplee and Tiplar following suit.
"This invasion seems very thought out, well done General Skywalker" Tiplar congratulates him as she walks off with Tiplar following.
"My men are severely depleted we won't be able to provide support if worst comes to worst." Doom says uncrossing his arms and resting them on his dual DC-17 blaster pistols.
"No worries commander," Anakin says as he waves over Fives, "gather up ten of your best and travel with the generals till we get to the middle" Anakin orders and Fives replies with an affirmative and goes off to get ten of his best. After receiving confirmation that both generals had engaged the enemy Anakin and the 501st ran through the last door and into the array of red and blue blaster bolts. Anakin jumped into action Rex close behind him taking out any droids that he misses or leaves for him. Tiplar was standing next to her sister as she climbs up a stack of boxes to get a better look at the command post they are trying to take out, as Fives and the remaining 8 men from the ten cover Tiplee from the sides an unseen battle droid sneaks up from the unguarded left of Tiplar and only when it's to late does she see the droid. As the droids blaster lights up red Tiplar closes her eyes waiting for the impact but before it hits her she is shoved out of the way by one of the blue marked troopers of the 501st she recognises as CT -5385 or Tup as he uses his momentum to move Tiplar out of the way he aims and fires his blaster with the one arm that wasn't hit by the droids blaster bolt. As Tup falls down to the ground Anakin's team medic Kix comes over and drags him behind the stack of boxes as the two sisters clear out the droids with the help of Anakin and Commander Dooms combined men. After successfully capturing the wretched Admiral Trench and clearing any resistance the troops and Jedi have a chance to rest. As the troops are resting Dooms and Rex's medics, Kix and Red Cross, are working hard and fast to get any wounded soldiers back into good enough shape to fight when Tiplar and Tiplee walks over to Tup. Seeing General Tiplar walking over Tup quickly stands up, grimacing at the pain in his shoulder as he quickly salutes the two generals and waits to be told otherwise.
"Trooper you don't need to do that," Tiplar says looking at Tups unwavering form and sighs, "at ease" she says and Tup moves to cross his one good arm behind his back.
"Thank you CT 5385, for the save back there. I.... wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your quick work." Tiplar says in gratitude to the soldier. Tip then slowly shakes his head.
"It was nothing it's what we clones are bred for, to protect and to serve, General." Tup responds earning a small but sad smile from Tiplar, when suddenly Tups eyes glaze over.
"Trooper you alright?" Tiplar says suddenly fully aware of everything that's happening. "Cross, medic over here stat." Tiplar orders as Anakin now seeing what's happening to ones of his best and Kix and Red Cross both seeing there brother in what seems to be a daze sprint over and catch him before Tup falls and place him back on the cot.
"Tup buddy can you here me?" Kix asks as Red Cross shines a light in his eyes.
"Sir," Red Cross starts as he turns to look at Tiplar, Tiplee and Anakin, "he seems to be having internal brain difficulty to something I can't tell what though." After finishing his sentence Tup stops moving. Alarmed that Tup may have just died Kix quickly puts two fingers to his brothers neck searching for a pulse and happy to find a very strong and very evident pulse signal.
"He's alive but so far seems unconscious generals" Kix concludes just as Tup wakes and looks around. When he sees the multiple eyes of his retired he looks at the three jedi around him.
"Hey Tup yo--" before Anakin can ask him how he feels Tup launches himself at Anakin hands wrapped around his neck as he try's to strangle him, Tiplee and Tiplar both reach for their lightsabers but Anakin motions with his hand to stay absolutely still and let him handle his man. As Tup try's to strangle his General to death Doom and Rex both get on of their dual DC-17 blaster pistols and train them on Tup both hoping they won't have to use them.
"Tup ehh stop this you're," Anakin says through gritted teeth as he peels Tup's hands away from his neck to just be able to breath, "Trooper listen stop now that's and ORDER." Anakin says as he pulls his hand down from his neck and splays it flat facing Tups stomach using the Force to push him off his neck and breath properly again.
"Fives, Rex I want you to take Tup into custody for assaulting a Jedi," then he softened his tone and looked at Fives, "I know this is hard for you but, he needs to be detained, and hey we'll figure this out." Anakin said calming the mind of Fives as they pulled off Tup to a secure room and typed his hands behind his back using wrist binders. After witnessing the entire ordeal Tiplar could only conclude one thing, if this had happened earlier then the price might have been more dire.....

(May write a part 2)

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