Chapter 30

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As her stomach became more swollen with kits, Lightscale's nervousness grew. Brookrush had not been seen for a moon, and Lightscale was due any day. Though she trusted Lionrose, he had never delivered kits by himself.

Thankfully, everyday, Lionrose ate with her. Lightscale enjoyed the shy tom's company.

The day had just begun, and Lightscale watched as warriors padded out to perform their duties, a chilly breeze ruffling her fur.

"I missed serving my clan, too." A sudden voice made Lightscale turn her head.

Rosefeather walked up and sat next to her, shuffling her paws to keep them warm.

Lightscale sighed. "Is it bad of me to think that I'm currently useless to my clan?"

"In the past, I'd probably say no, and that you are useless to your clan even without being pregnant", Rosefeather said, looking at Lightscale. "But, it is bad of you to think so. You are bringing in kits to the clan that will feed us and protect us. You are serving the clan by being a mother."

"Even to kits I'm not sure I'll love?" Lightscale looked at the ground as she spoke quietly.

Rosefeather huffed. "I despised you and you're a great warrior. Not all cats can live a terrible life and be a strong warrior. And there's no doubt your kits will have the same strength as you."

Lightscale looked fondly at her mother and purred. Thank you, mother."

Rosefeather gently licked her daughter's head and padded away to where a patrol was waiting for her. As her mother's red tail disappeared, Lionrose entered holding a bundle of dewy herbs in his jaws.

Lightscale padded up to the medicine den as he went into it. She walked inside, her wide stomach scraping the sides of the bramble weaved ferns.

Lionrose was setting down the herbs and placing them in small holes in the wall. He turned to look at her, smiled, and turned to continue working.

"Lightscale, how are you?" He said, golden body still turned.

"Fat and happy. Just as it should be", she chuckled. "What's that?"

"Raspberry leaves, coltsfoot, and chervil. It's all to help with your kitting and your kits."

"Thank you, Lionrose. You've been doing great since Brookrush disappeared. Vinetail, Steppaw, and Whitesun would be proud." Lightscale watched him work as she mentioned his deceased mother, sister, and father.

Lionrose seemed to tense. "Thank you, Lightscale. I just wish she had never left."

The day Amberclan had realized Brookrush was missing, a patrol had been sent out to find her. They had followed her scent out of the territory, but upon reaching a large twoleg place, had turned back.

No one knew why she had left, but that night, they had mourned her leaving them.

Lightscale sighed. "We all do."


The sky was turning a fiery red as the sun began to set. The cats were gathered underneath the willow tree to see who would be going to the gathering. Lightscale sat in front of the nursery, watching.

"Everyone that's going, tread carefully with Mapleclan. We've been hearing threats of an attack from border patrols", Flightstar said as she looked down and them.

"Do you think Mapleclan will break the full-moon truce?", Softleap asked.

"I can't imagine them being that desperate to attack us, but still be on guard", Flightstar responded.

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