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Unknown Number Sent You A Message

I'm going to piss my pants because of you

Umm...wtf...who's this?

Shoot! Wrong number... Dang

Haha so PissPants, what's your name?

Alyssa but you can call me Aly, hbu

I'm Millie, nice to meet you and may I question your statement from earlier?

You changed Unknown's name to Aly💞

No, don't question that, please...

Okay, well how old are you?

I'm 13, hbu?

I'm 14! Haha, I'm older!

Haha yourself, for all I know you could be an old man!

You could be one too! So hah

I will send a pic to prove it!

I will too then!

Here I am:

(Removed due to privacy)

Dang I can't compete but here I am:

Okay, danh you win! I quit at the beauty contest! If you don't mind, may I ask what's your sexuality?

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Okay, danh you win! I quit at the beauty contest! If you don't mind, may I ask what's your sexuality?


Cool! I'm bisexual!

Soooo... Where do you live Aly? Sorry if that sounds creepy

I'm in Los Angeles, California


I'm in New York City, New York

How is it in the Big Apple? I've never been there

It's Bloody Hell! I hate it here!

Bloody? What are you British?

Yea I am...actually

Oh cool, I did not know that! Well, now what?

I actually have to go! I'm sorry. I'll ttyl tho okay bye Love! 💞


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