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Millie POV

After I set my phone down, I lay back on my bed. I stared up at the ceiling in thought,
Does she like you back?
How do you tell her that you like her?
Will she like me back?

Knock Knock

"Who is it?" I ask sighing, sitting up and going to open the door. No one was there...
I turned around to see a figure outside my window! I then realized it was Joe...
"What are you doing?!" I open my window where Joe climbs in, loudly.
"Shhh!" I shh him more.
"Like a ninja," He says falling bit landing on my bed.
"Dude you could've knocked and come in through the front door!
Footsteps are heard coming to my room...
"Hide!!!" I whisper yell.
He then gets in my closet hiding, I jump into bed and pretend to sleep.
I see light from my door being opened and a quiet sigh. Then the door shut.
"Joe... the coast is clear!"
"Good," He then came out of the closet.
"Haha," I laugh at the obvious joke.
"What's so funny?" He asks all serious.
"You just came out of the closet!" I laugh a bit quieter.
"Haha so fricking hilarious!" He says sarcastically like a parent.
"You act like a mom, makes sense with your online name!" I snort then I slowly go back to normal.
"So you're probably wondering why I'm here, right?" He says sitting next to me on my bed.
"Yea, its kinda confusing me why you're here," I say looking at him.
"Well since you're leaving for California, I wanted to say something..." He looked nervous, this made me worry,"I'm coming with you!!"

My heart stops, he's coming too?! This is great!! He can help me document my trip! And he'll 'protect' us at Disneyland!

"YAY!" I whisper yell.
"Shhh...that's all I came here for..." He said almost embarrassed.
"Really?! You couldn't have just texted me?!" I say a little louder. I then hear footsteps again, Joe quickly climbs out my window, and I lay down and pretend to sleep again, but this time I actually fall asleep...

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