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In Real Life

After I set my phone down, I quickly got up and changed into a different outfit, because I didn't want to look like complete garbage.

Knock Knock

"Its open Dingus!" I lightly yell.
I hear the door open and close.
"Hey! I'm here!!" Finn says as he walks into my room like he owns the place.
"Hi! Sooo gay huh?" I ask as he sits on my bed next to me.
"Yea...but only towards Jack, its weird," He says laughing a bit after,"So you got feelings for a girl that's all the way across the country..."
"Yea...its just that she soooo pretty, and of course sweet!" I say blushing.
Finn awes then quickly goes over to my desk.
"What are ya doin'?" I ask as he gets out a notepad.
"Taking notes, since we are both going to ask someone out! We'll need a plan!" He says finding a pen.
"Okie, well in front of the castle for sure! While the fireworks are going off!" I say excited just thinking about it. Finn writes down tons of notes as I explain the plan.
"Finally done!" Finn says gripping his wrist,"that was lots of notes!"
"Yep, but now we are prepared!" I said patting his back lightly.
"That is true!" He says happily,"So can I stay the night? It's late and its still summer break!" He asks.
I nod and he quickly lays back on my bed.
"Ahem, my bed," I say laughing.
"I'm gay, we can share!" He says covering up in my blanket.
"Whatever Loser!" I say laying down next to him but facing away from him.


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