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Millie POV

I got out of the car after paying the driver. I quickly entered the lobby and went to the receptionist.
"Hello, what room is Joe Keery staying in?" I ask politely.
"Room L353," She said kindly.
"Thank you," I then went over to the elevator and clicked floor L.
Once I made it to the floor I looked for room 353.
I soon found it and knocked on the door.
Joe opened the doors seconds later, he saw me then immediately slammed the door on me.
"Joe...I'm sorry..." I say through the door.
The door opens again and soon enough I'm in a hug with him.
"Its okay, I forgive you!!" He then pulled away from the hug,"So, can I meet her?"
"Yes, yes you can meet her," I say, we then leave after he got ready.
He calls up Charlie and he soon picks us up and takes us to Aly's place.
Joe and Charlie sat in front chatting while I sat in back, I then pulled my phone out;

10 new messages from

Jacob needs to stop texting me...
I quickly delete and block his number from my phone.
I then go to Instagram and post an aesthetic picture I took a while ago;

I then go to Instagram and post an aesthetic picture I took a while ago;

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You've been blocked and deleted so I suggest you don't message me. Thanks! Xoxo

After I posted that I put my phone away and looked out my window and saw we were down the street from her house.
I watched as the streets blurred as we drove.
Soon the car stopped and Joe and I got out. Charlie drove away as we walked up to the door.
I knocked and soon the door swung open and I was being hugged by Alyssa.
"Hey," I said hugging back.
"Oh, hello," Alyssa said noticing Joe.
He waved,"Hi, I'm Joe. We've talked before."
"Wow, how old are you?" She then realized what she'd said,"I mean-"
"Its cool I'm 18," He says.
"Oof, I'm sorry that I never knew," She apologized.
"Its cool," He smiled.
"Okie...well come on in," She smiled back.

We entered the house and took seats on the couch. we mostly just joked around until the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it, you guys just keep chit-chatting," I smiled and went to the door.
I opened it to the last person I wanted to see...


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