Chapter Six

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         "River who do you want to get the wood?" Larry asked. I hesitated. What? He knows more about leadership than I do. What should I do? 

         "Um well....I'll go get wood. Carlene and Jessie will come with me. Keep Bill away from the kids while I'm gone," I said worriedly. Larry nodded and walked over to Bill. I watched him talk to Bill and I saw the look of anger on Bill's face. I shook with worry. I was making too many enemies on this island. Lucifer and Bill my biggest fans. Woo. I'm gonna die. I looked at Jessie and Carlene. 

          "Well let's go before I get beaten to death by Bill," I muttered. I stepped towards the forest and gulped. It looked more like a jungle instead. Carlene and Jessie walked to my side. I sighed and walked slowly towards the thick forest. My skin crawled with fear as I walked on. I looked around at my surroundings. Everything was green of course and there was flowers that I never seen before. I kept walking and I heard Carlene and Jessie behind me. 

             "Where exactly are we going?" Carlene asked. 

"No clue. I've never been on this island before." 

           We came across a small stream and followed it upstream. Maybe it will lead up to a larger body of water. 

             "How long are we going to walk?" Jessie asked. I smiled and shook my head. 

"Just walk a little bit more Jessie," I said in a encouraging voice. I don't want to have to carry her. I don't think my leg would make it. I have my weight to carry. I kinda liked it in the jungle. The birds were singing and life was stirring. As we walked I picked up what I could find. Sticks, dead leaves, anything that could be used to burn. There was plenty but not a lot. I stopped suddenly. 

            "Why did we sto-" I hold up my hand to cut Carlene off in mid sentence. Something was here. The birds had stopped singing. There was no sound. Only silence. I looked at the corner of my eye for anything creeping from the sides. I looked behind me. Nothing. There is something here. It was quiet. Too quiet. I froze when I heard a low growl. Carlene's eyes widen. 

            "River...behind you," she whispered. 

       I turned around slowly and saw a leppard looking straight at me. I backed away slowly. Don't be scared. Don't be scared. The leppard bared her teeth at me showing her sharp fangs. I heard Jessie cry behind me. I took in some air and stepped forward. You cannot show an animal you're afraid. It will overpower you and kill you. Unless the animal was a mother...Oh shit. I pray to God this leppard wasn't female or a mother. Female animals are usually meaner than males. I stood up tall though and looked straight into the leppard's eyes. 

       "Carlene go get Jessie to a safe place," I said keeping my eyes on the leppard. 

"We are not leaving you alone with a wild animal," Carlene said angrily.   

         "Go," I ordered. 


         "I'm the leader and when I say 'go' I mean 'go,''' I said angrily. I heard Carlene and Jessie walk away slowly. The leppard growled and pounced at me throwing it's paws directly at my shoulders knocking me down. I grunted when my back hit the ground. The leppard's jaws were so close to my neck. It could tear me to shreds. I grip the leppard's neck keeping it from locking it's jaws on my neck. The leppard moved it's head down it's teeth grazing my hand. I grunted again and tried pushing the leppard off me. I looked around for a stick anything. I saw a stick by the stream that was about three feet away. Just three feet. I moved my left hand away from the neck of the leppard and stretched my arm towards the stick.

          "Come on, come on," I muttered. I stretched harder. The leppard growled and tried to bite my right hand that was gripping it's neck. I couldn't reach the stick. I looked into the golden eyes of the leppard. I am not going to die. 

      "Need help?" Carlene said picking up the long stick. I sighed and looked at the leppard. Carlene pointed the stick at the leppard. 

     "Go. Now. Go," Carlene said pointing the stick threateningly at the leppard. The leppard growled and looked at me. She backed off of me. She back off into the shadows of the forest. I looked at Carlene and sighed. I smiled when I saw Jessie walking up from behind Carlene. Though I made enemies I have also made friends. 

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