Planning the Plan

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As they entered the principal's office, Cody sees that there are other survivors. Among them is back-up friends Jake Wilson and Mexican foreign exchange student Carlos Juanitez, Sarah Elexis, Twin brother and sister Mike and Melissa Gabrielle, Peyton Lance (quarterback and secret school bully) and his 3 groupmates Phillip, Dillon, and Wade and finally Prinicpal Dale Douglas.

Annie: Here, put this Thermometer on.

Cody: Ok?

(Cody puts the Thermometer on his arm pit)

(Seconds later:)

(Thermometer alarm rings)

Annie checks on the temperature.

Annie: 96.8 degrees, Phew that was close.

Cody: Wait, why was my temperature important?

Annie: Well, if someone else like you had a temperature around 103.5 degrees, that means that your sick and will be "One" of them.

Cody: Wait, "One" of them?

Annie: Yep, minutes ago, our School premises has unexpectedly been overruned by a quick-spreading virus and has almost infected all of us students and is also highly contagious in a matter of seconds in which is known in the street is "The Flu!"
(Dun, dun, dun!! dramatic background music)

Prin. Douglas: And I believe, that your brother was the one that started all this complete mayhem.

Cody: Hey! My Bro wouldn't dare hurt anybody.

Annie: Then how did he (Connor) managed to infect the entire School vicinity and turned everyone around him into mindless sneezing zombies in around a few minutes or (possibly) a few seconds?

Cody: Oh yeah, good point.

Jake: Alright guys, lets not get off track here. We need to devise a plan.

Annie: Why dont we call for help?

Cody: No! I've seen tons of zombie movies and I discovered that not even the simplest of governements can handle an apocalypse like this so I suggest we don't call the authorities.

Annie: Fine, any better ideas?

Just then Cody and the others disover that the door outside has been banged non-stop. Cody then had an idea. He then grabbed empty sheets of paper, throwed water at the door window and sticked the paper in. It then stopped all the banging from outside.

Annie: Hey, that actually worked.

Cody: Yeah, I saw this in a movie once. According to the story, the survivors discover that the sick immediately attack when they see us so why not get covered by something like sheets of paper.

Annie: Good idea, how about a strategic plan that can help us?

Cody: Ok fine, here's the plan:
We sneek ourselves through the supposed horde of the sick and get to a place where we can get weapons. We use our chosen weapons to fight our way through the school to the science lab. We then create an cure and find a way to save the whole school.

Annie: Weird and risky, But I like it!

Cody: Alright, now thats done with, lets check how many survivors are we.

After a few countings, it is a total of 12 survivors.

Just then Wade unexpectedly sneezes and covers his nose. Everyone in the room was in shock with Wade nervously worried. Then Wade began moving backwards from the group in order to not infect anyone else. Eveyone tried to calm him down so they can help him, only to get Wade more worried and fearing that he could hurt anyone. Then unexpectedly Wade (turns) and pounces on Jake and tackles him to the ground. Everyone freaked out and quickly helped to get him out. Jake began struggling to get out of his grip and sees that he is about to sneeze at him. Jake then grabs a random book beside him and luckily covers his face from getting sneezed.
Cody grabs a fire extinguisher and wacks him in the head, thrown off Jake. He then grabs a placemat and covers Wade with it blinding his sight. The others then managed to get him outside quickly.

Annie: Jake are you okay? did you get infected?

Jake: I'm okay, but that was a close one

Then Annie inspects the book he used.

Annie: This book is just what I needed!

Cody: Is it enough to make a cure?

Annie: I don't know, but this needs enough ingredients to make so I suggest that we must be on the move.

Annie then brings out a huge chalkboard.

Annie: Alright, I managed to discover that there are stages to this supposed infection.
First is that when the virus is in the body, it begins to regularly do what it was meant to do, but in a short amount of time, it begins to slow down and later block nerve signals to the brain, which explains why they're mindless.
Secondly is when the illness comes into contact with another object like a healthy person, then that speeds up the sneezing process and is immediately spreaded to that healthy person and so on which explains why its fast spreading from the start.

Jake: Ok, what about weapons?

Cody: I got it! The detention room has a confiscation closet which has really cool stuff (mainly weapons).

Jake: Then how are we gonna pass a herd of the sick? We can't simply walk out there, they'll take all of us out in a matter of seconds.

Cody: Then, we would have to simply have blend in like in the movies.
Alright, we need someone to stay here and guard this place till we get back.

Annie: I'll volunteer, I need to create a supposed syrup in case you guys get weapons.

Prin. Douglas: Me too, I don't wanna end up taking part in any of this mess.

Cody: Alright, lastly, Me, Jake, Carlos, Sarah, The Twins, Peyton and his mates will be the ones to gather weapons for this event Agreed?

Everyone: Agree!

Cody: Alright, were gonna learn tips on how to survive the zombie apocalypse.
1) Speed: make sure your body fitness is right cause it will help you escape any signs of attacks.

2)Always shoot the head= you may think your in a video game and thinking that shooting one is easy Well its a No. Make sure you always aim for the head cause that is a zombie weak spot.

3)Beware of the Smallest of Spaces= make sure that we avoid any sign of small rooms in this school cause it would be a quick end for any of us.

4) Lock all doors tight= You may think that locking a simple door can work. Well No!!, cause if its only one of them then there will be more coming in numbers like a 100 or 1000 so only locking it isn't enough. So I suggest we literally barriacde any sign of any entering of them.

A few extra minutes later, they began to learn how to avoid getting infected and what weapons they would choose. After that, the plan was settled.

Cody: Oh Hey Annie I forgot something. Here, use this walkie talkie so we can communicate with each other anytime.

Annie: Well, if this is our only source of communication, Let's just make it count.

Cody: Alright who's ready?

Jake: Me
Carlos: Si'
Sarah: Me
Mike and Melissa: We are
Peyton: Fine
Phillip: Heck Yeah
Dillon: Me too

Cody: Alright, Let's do this.

Student's Guide to The Zombie SchoolpocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now