[5] Call Me Alex

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Shout out to Happykai123 for all the nice things you said!
My Insta is Karissa_Quinn_03! Plz DM me! I would like to feature you in this story.

(A/N)/// Please pretend that Thomas has a bedroom for Alex.
Thomas POV

I get to my house and look over at Alex. A small smile crosses my lips seeing her fast asleep. I carry her inside and set her on the couch, covering her up with a blanket before going back outside to get her bag. I bring it in and go put it on her bed before going back to the living room. Alex is cuddled with her stuffed rabbit and I let out a quiet aw sound. Patton pops up next to me and aw's as well "Is this little Alex?" He whispers. I nod and Patton nods then everyone else pops up. "Is she sleeping?" Virgil mumbles quietly. I nod and walk over looking at her ankle. It's all swollen and red. I flinch and Logan notices, walking over to look at it "Sprain. How did that happen." I narrow my eyes thinking about the orphanage owner "The owner of that orphanage attacked Alex when she was hugging me. Slapped her so hard she fell to the ground and hurt her ankle." I say and Patton frowns "That's not right." Virgil suddenly looks worried "What if she is scared of us?" He asks. I look at all of my traits and shake my head no "I don't see why she would be-" a groan cuts me off and I look down seeing Alex is awake. She looks at me then the traits "Thomas...Why is there a prince in your living room?" She asks confused. Prince starts to laugh and Alex smiles a bit sitting up. She stands up but gasps in pain almsot falling over "Ow!" She shouts and looks at her ankle. Her eyes widen as she sees it "Geez. Looks like I can't skate anymore." She mumbles before sitting back down. I clear my throat "Alex. These are not my brothers." Her brows furrow "But they look exactly like you." I nod and sigh "They are my personality traits." She blinks and shrugs "Ok. What do they stand for?" Alex asks looking at everyone. "Well. The one with the cardigan around his neck is Patton, he is my heart or Morality. The one with the blue tie is Logan, is my brain or Logical side. The Prince is Roman, my creativity. And lastly, this is Virgil, my anxeity." She nods and waves at everyone "Hi. I'm Alexandria but call me Alex." She says before laying back down

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