[9] Roller Coster Fun

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Two weeks later

Alex's POV

"I'm bored!" Everyone looks at Patton who has his arms crossed staring at the ceiling. "Ok. What should we do, Patton?" I ask nicely. He shrugs then starts to ponder about what to do. Everyone suggests something but nobody wants to what the other person said "What about the fair?" I say out loud. Everyone nods in agreement then I get up going to my room and look for an outfit.

 Everyone nods in agreement then I get up going to my room and look for an outfit

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I walk back down the steps and look around "I'm ready to go." We all agree and head to the car. We get in and drive to the fair. The air is filled with laughter and screams with the smell of food. A smile crosses my lips as Patton grabs my hand and pulls me towards a mirror maze. We get gloves and walk through. A hear a thud from behind me and see that Prince ran into a wall. I snort trying to hold in my laughter. We find our way out then head off in separate groups. Thomas and Virgil, Patton and Logan, then me with Prince.

"What do you want to do next?" I shrug looking up at him "I have no idea. What do you want to do next?" Prince hums and looks around before taking my hand, pulling me towards a roller coaster. I laugh getting into my seat calm but Prince is freaking out. I bite my lip to keep,from laughing when the ride takes off. Prinec screams the entire way while I laugh my head off. After the ride ends Prince takes me to get deep fried Oreos and ice cream. We finish all the rides then start the games. I notice a huge day of the dead skull monkey thing and point at it. Prince grins and drags me over giving the guy money. The guy hands Prince three balls. I watch Prince with a huge smile as he knocks them all down. I squeal as the guy hands me the stuffie. I pull Prince into a hug jumping up and down "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I shout. He laughs and we make our way to the sky lift. My hands start to shake as the guy buckles us in. It slolw makes it way up and I close my eyes tightly. "Alex? Are you ok, princess?" I shake my head no "I-I hate h-heights." I stutter not wanting to open my eyes. Prince grabs my hand "You aren't going anywhere. The view is amazing." I shake my head no. Prince sighs "Do you like stars?" I nod "Then open your eyes" I slowly open my eyes seeing we are the very top. I gasp in fear shaking more. Prince lifts my gaze to the sky and my jaw drops. It's amazing. The sky is littered with beautiful dots of color. "Woah..." I whisper. We are lowered to the ground and meet up with the others. I sit in the back by Prince the whole way home. We get home and I go up to my room putting on an oversized tank top with a pair of shorts. I set the stuffie on a chair and lay down on my bed. I drift to sleep with a small smile on my face "Goodnight..." I mumble tiredly.

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