[11] Movies and Ice Cream

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Roman's POV

I yawn sitting up and look at my clock. It's about three am and everyone else is asleep. I get up and go into the kitchen for a glass of water. I start to drink the water when a loud scream stops me. I furrow my brows then my eyes widen "Alex...ALEX!" I put down the glass and run to her room. She is thrashing around in bed crying and screaming. I run over and gently grab her shoulders "Alex! Wake up, princess!" Her eyes open and and screams shoving me away. I stare in shock "Alex?" I mumble. She blinks and has tears rolling down her face like crazy. She's also shaking and pale "R-Roman!" Alex's shouts before lunging on me. She puts her arms around my neck and holds me tightly. I hug her back and she pulls away checking my stomach before sighing out of relief "What the heck happened?" I ask her.

She tears up again "I-You- Y-You were stabbed and died right in front of me! I could have saved you but I froze up and watched you bleed to death! I'm so sorry, Roman! Please don't hate me!" Alex sobs jumping on me again. I shh her and stand up walking down stairs "It's ok, Alex. I would never be able to hate you." I mumble in her ear. She nods and cuddles into me more. I smile a bit and set her on the couch before going into the kitchen. I open the freezer and look around finally seeing what I want. I grab the two containers and spoons before going back to Alex. "I'm not good at bad things but I hope this will make you feel better" I say with a smile. A grin breaks across Alex's face "That's perfect." She says. I smile back and sit down next to her. Alex grabs the chocolate marshmallow container while I have vanilla. "What do you wanna watch?" Alex hums before smiling "Can we watch Mulan?" I nod and put the movie on. She smiles and cuddles into my side. I smile watching the movie. Soon her breathing grows lighter and small snores fill the air. I lay us down and close my eyes falling into a deep sleep.

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