t h r e e

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after visiting suzy-noona, me and sanha headed home together. but of course, we're very cautious.

myungsoo-hyung safely got home too. i hope so...


"don't have to be so formal sanha... you can just call me hyung." i told the taller boy i'm with and smiled.

"woozi-hyung... are you sure this is a safe way? will the killer follow us here?" he bombarded me with even more questions.

"i know this place is safe. and i'll make sure the killer will die, and not us." i told him and patted his back. he nodded while looking down to his feet as we walked home.

"i miss my hyungs..." i hear sanha mumble under his breath. after a few seconds i hear sobs.

"hey, hey, hey! don't cry! i also miss my members. but that's not important right now, what's important is that we're safe. that's what they want right?" i tried my best to calm him down. he sighed and wiped his tears. we smiled at each other, but it wasn't the usual smile that's always cheerful, but, those weak ones.

as we continued walking we hear shoes scratching against the cement of the road. me and sanha both looked at our back.

"woozi-hyung, what was that?" sanha seemed scared. i too.

"let's just hurry and get home safely." i told him as we walked quickly. suddenly a gunshot was heard.

i stopped walking. sanha also stopped. we both were shocked. that's where we both knew...

i was shot.


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