》[Five●Roomate *Old Story*]《

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You would have thought getting another roomate was the worst thing possible, but Romans a pretty chill dude.
Anyway, today is the day you start your YouTube career.

Not knowing what you want to do with your channel, you decided to record a mix of videos, (skits, gaming, commentaries, a speedpain (sorry if you don't like art.)) To upload over the next few days. Because Niall and Roman are such good friends, they also got you to record a video for each of their channels, helping you promote your channel. All the recording had taken 2 whole days, and you still needed to edit, so you decided to up load a video every other day to start off with. Niall and Roman decided to wait at least a week before uploading your videos onto their channels, just so you had a little bit of time to get a couple of videos out.

Timeskip a week bc I'm lazy and it's almost midnight.
Niall had decided to upload his video yesterday as it had been a week and a half since you had started uploading, and you actually had a couple of videos out.
One was a vlog of your daily life with Niall and Roman. That seemed to be the most popular on your channel so far.
"Hey my dudes welcome to today's video," You whispered. It was currently 2am and you didn't want to wake anyone else up. Yet. "It's currently two in the morning and the boys have finally gone to sleep. I've been waiting for Niall to fall asleep so I can prove that he's a furry for once and for all."
Quietly, you sneak out of your room and down the hall to Nialls. You try the door, and it's unlocked. Holding the camera in one hand you sneak into the room and close the door as quietly as possible. Sneaking over to the wardrobe, you quietly open it, looking for something incriminating.
"AHA! A FURSUIT!" You yell, pulling something from the wardrobe, waking Niall up in the process.
"Y/N what the fuck...?" You hear Niall mutter in the background.
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls  here, in my hand, is definitive proof that Niall Comas, also known as YouTube sensation Pyrocynical, is a furry!"
You hold the item of clothing up so the camera can see it. It'd a puffer jacket with fur on the hood.
"Y/N..." Niall mutters, "1) that's a puffer jacket not a fursuit. 2) that's not even mine, it's yours. What's it doing in my closet anyway?"
You yell, pointing a finger at him, no longer caring if you wake anyone else up. You both gi quiet as you hear the door open.
"What the fUCK is going on in here?!"
You turn the camera towards Roman.
"Ah great, you're just in time. I've just proven that the great Pyrocynical is a furry." You hold up the puffer.
You hear Niall grumbling so you turn the camera towards him and zoom in on his face. "Fucking hell let me sleep. We're gonna get a noise complaint tomorrow.."
He sighs and rolls over pulling the cover up to his chin.
"Hey faggot" you look over at Roman just as he turns the light on, causing you to scream and collapse and Niall to start yelling at you both.
"I'm trYING to fIX MY SLEEP SCHEDULE. So if you'd mind nOT being faggot thAT WOULD BE APPRECIATED"
This causes you, who is extremely sleep deprived, to burst into laughter, rolling on the floor.
"Ok I'm happy I'm going to bed now."
You pick up the camera and exit the room, passing Roman on your way out.
"Goodnight lesbian, goodnight comunisim"
All you get in response is a grunt. You head into your room and finish the video off there.
You're only at 200K subs, but that video already has 600K views, and it's still going.
You collapse onto your bed and fall asleep almost instantly. While you're sleeping, Niall and Roman sneak into your room and draw on your face an arms.
When you finally do wake up you're not happy.

"nIaLl! rOmAn!!"
Haha I want to die it's been so long. Roughly 700 words wowowow.
Sorry it's been so long I just haven't had mutch motivation to write,,
But here you go
Sorry it's kind of a filler chapter, but idk where to start the romance?? Like idk this is kind of a platonic, living w Niall nd Roman fic.
Hhh I want to die I'll shut now

Pyrocynical X Reader 》●Roomate●《 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now