chapter 4

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Sumo's pov :

  The sunrise was more glistening  than usual. ..I woke up early, surprisingly before the alarm rang. ..I leapt out of bed, leaving behind my surprised roomie. ..yes, it's a cent percent truth that I hadn't seen the early sunrise so far. ..

In my dictionary it's too early for me, more or less. ..a midnight. .?

I suppressed my laugh and went to shower. ..

It was a common problem that  every young girl encounters in her life. ...

'What to wear today. .? I have nothing to wear. ..'

  I sighed   looking at my overfilled  wardrobe. ..

I spent nearly half an hour to choose my attire. ..nothing  satisfied me. .. finally, I chose a simple white kurthi with multi coloured dubatta. ..

   I looked me  in the mirror satisfactorily after spending so much of time. ..

To my note, I was behaving quite strange today.'s more unlike me that spending enormous time in front of mirror and choosing a dress. ..

I  piled up all the stuffs needed for a formal interview though I didn't mean it. ..

   I was all set to go. ..then, the truth hit me. ..what if it's not him. I misleading myself  by  the name  ' malhothra associates '..? Am I setting my expectations at high. .?If not, why I am so excited. could I manage myself if my expectations went wrong. .?

I slipped myself into the couch asif my whole energy had drained off. ..

" oyea. ..Miss. bold. ..what happened. .?are you scared of interview. .?i don't think so. everything alright. .?"

Sana started to tease me. ..she turned serious after witnessing my down turned face. ..

" no. ..i am alright. .."

I forced me to smile. ..she sat beside me. ..

" suman.'s not necessary for you if you don't feel good. ..i will try to change my shift to be with you possibly. that you may not feel alone. ..don't go if you really don't like it dear. .."

I could sense her concern. ..I shouldn't trouble her. ..I  retrieved my mischief. ..

" not done. you told I will take this as my experience. ..let me go. ..wish me good luck roomie. .."

I pinched her cheeks. ..she screamed in pain. ..

" ouch. ..Little devil. won't change ever. ......"  she laughed open as though she remembered something. ..

"  why you are laughing. ?"

I asked her with annoy. ..

" suman darling. ..I thought of your future husband. ..His cheeks should be strong enough to hold all your pinches. ..not the kisses. .."

   I turned redder was quite strange for me. ..I concealed it cleverly by pinching her again. ..

" He will be strong enough. ..until then, you should bear all my troubles. .."

" sorry. ..really sorry. ..leave me now. .."

I left her cheeks...

" okay deal then. ..all the best my bestie. .."

She hugged me and wished good luck. ..

I felt a  sense of guilt as I didn't confront her the real reason why I chose to go to the interview. ..if I return broken, she's the one who should hold me. felt heavy like a hammer. ..after all, i had  only sana as my best friend. .but, I had never discussed her about my first love for shravan....

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