Chapter 2

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I drove my car into the parkinglot and noticed alot of people were staring at me. I parked, slammed the door of my car shut and locked it. When I walked past the teenagers I heard several people gasp at the sight of me walking to their school.

Offcourse they had no idea this was also my school now. 

I was late already and I still had to get my schedule and locker. God, I can't believe I'm actually going to get a locker and be a Highschool student again. I never should have made that promise to my dad. On the other hand, if I hadn't made that promise I would probably be working at KFC right now or something. 

I went to get my schedule and my locker number. When I got there the woman who was sitting behind the desk admired me with big eyes. She had grey curls which were pushed up into a messy bun. ''Er, hello?'' I began.

She blinked her eyes dramatically .''Well, goodmorning!'' she said in a cheerful voice.

''Goodmorning, I'm Charlie Young....'' I began.

''Youngblood, I know what your name is.'' she interrupted me.

''Oh well, how surprising..'' I couldn't help but sound a little bit sarcastic.

''I'm so sorry.'' The woman apologized.

''You don't have to apologize, it's just really weird that everybody knows who I am.''

''I understand. It's just that my granddaughter is a really big fan of you, you see?''

''Oh, really? That's lovely! I could sign something for her if you want me  to?'' I said sweet-tempered. I felt sorry for being so sarcastic to the poor woman. She was being nice and she just wanted to make her granddaughter happy.

''Really? That would be amazing!''

I smiled at the lady and kindly asked her for a paper and a pen and signed it. When I was done she gave me my schedule and locker number and wished me luck. She thanked me for giving her my signature and I left.

I was 10 minutes late for class. How awkward. I knocked on the door of the classroom I was supposed to be and entered. Several students gasped and some girls in the back of the class made some really weird movements with their hands. The teacher turned away from the class to face me. ''Miss Youngblood.'' She said.

''I'm so sorry I'm late, there were people outside my house and..''

''No, no. Don't you worry about it. Have a seat there, perhaps next to him.'' She pointed at a cocky looking boy with an handsome face and dark curls covering his face. He was beautiful yet arrogant and indifferent. He didn't look at me as I approached his table and he still didn't when I sat down next to him. The rest of the students did though. They were all staring at me as if I was from a different planet.

''I am just so happy that you are here, Miss Youngblood!'' said the teacher cheery.

''Why, thank you.''

''Oh, don't be silly girl! You know why!'' she said.

''It's because you are such a bright and delightful girl and not just that, you are also artistic, musical and an actress!'' she said enchanted.

''Oh, come on.'' Said the boy next to me harshly.

I snapped my head to look at him and so did the rest of the class.

''We all know the only reason all of you are happy with her arrival is because she is famous and her going to this school gives the school a good name and acknowledgement.'' He had an thick British accent.

He was rude and unpleasant but he was so right in every way. I most certainly did not like the guy.

''For God's sake Hazza, give the girl a break! She can't help the fact that people like her!'' some girl from the back of the classroom shouted. She had an British accent too.

''Shut up Gemma.'' The boy shouted.

''Mr Styles! Behave yourself!'' screamed the teacher.

''I am going to continue this class now and I wish to hear nothing but answers or questions from you from now on!''

She continued with her class and wrote some notes on the schoolboard then she told us to make the assignments. I did not talk to the rude boy anymore but I did observe him. He was writing things in some notebook, I wondered what he was writing. His handwriting was unreadable from my angle. 

''Will you stop staring at me?'' he suddenly said.

I turned my head. 

''I was not staring at you.'' I said.

''Yes you were. You're not a very good actress, you can't even tell a simple lie.'' he laughed.

''She did win an oscar Hazza.'' said some blonde girl behind us. 

I gave her a crooked smile. 

''Yeah, lets talk about how amazing she is Brittany. I bet you have already asked her for your cheersquad.''

The bell rang and the boy quickly closed his notebook and left the classroom.

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