Chapter 61: Izzy's POV

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Izzy: Hello?

Tessa: Izzy!

Izzy: What's wrong?

Tessa: My water just broke! I'm at The Convent, just please get here right now!

I got out of bed, and I told Jace and Alec that I had to go to Tessa's place for an emergency. I didn't know where this place was, so I texted Magnus where this place was and he gave me the directions. When I arrived, Magnus let me in and into Tessa's room.

Izzy: I came as soon as you called!

Tessa: It hurts!

Magnus: Catarina is on her way, just hold on!

Izzy: Just breath, Tessa, you're going to get through this.

Catarina came into the room, and started to do the process.

Catarina: I know you're going to be in a lot of pain, but you're going to have to push!

Tessa pushed and pushed as hard as she could I know I could see it in her own eyes, and she was in pain.

Tessa: I can't, it hurts so much!

Will: Come on Tessa, you're better than that!

I saw this tall guy looking at Tessa.

Tessa: Will?

Will: Magnus texted me, and I came here.

When Will was coming closer to Tessa, I didn't exactly trust him but Magnus told me that it was okay. When Will came near Tessa, he held her hand and then started to give her words of encouragement.

Will: Tessa, if you can hide you're pregnancy, then you can give birth to a child any day.

Tessa: But-

Will: No buts, now with all of your might PUSH!

Tessa gave another loud yelp, and started to push as hard as she could and then seconds later we heard a crying baby. Catarina had cleaned the baby up, and gave it to Tessa in a blue blanket.

Catarina: It's a boy.

Tessa: He looks wonderful.

Tessa and WIll were adoring their baby, and we decided to give them privacy. At least to let them talk things out, and all. The three of us were all waiting, and Magnus gave me a whole entire tour of the The Convent.

Izzy: Wow, you weren't kidding when you said that this place would be huge.

Magnus: Yup.

Izzy: By the way Magnus, why did you text Will?

Magnus: I felt that every father should get a chance to see their child, even if they don't want to be apart of their lives. In fact, I wasn't sure if Will would come at all since Tessa didn't tell him that she was pregnant with their child and everything like that. I'm surprise that he came in such a rush.

Then the door had opened to reveal another person coming in.

Jem: Magnus?

Magnus: Jem, what are you doing here?

Jem: Will texted me about Tessa's pregnancy, is she alright?

Magnus: According to Catarina, she's in a lot of pain right now but she's fine and so is the baby.

Jem: Is it a boy or a girl?

Magnus: It's a boy.

Jem: Do you know where Tessa and Will are? I need to see them, like right now.

Magnus: They're in the infirmary right now, it's on the first floor and go to the second door to the left you'll find them

Jem: Thanks.

Jem left us, and Magnus had one more thing to show me. A small child that him and Alec had found on the steps of The Convent when they got back from their date.

Magnus: Her name is Magdalene.

Izzy: Aw, she's so cute.

Magnus: Yeah, and when Alexander and I are grown up we were thinking about adopting her.

Izzy: So does this make me the aunt them.

Magnus: I guess it does.

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