Chapter 94: Luke's POV

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Clary: What are you talking about?

Luke: The news had to get to you somehow Clary, luckily this place is only filled with us so it's okay to talk here.

Clary: I am so confused.

Luke: You won't be after I tell you...

Clary: Tell me what?

Luke: The truth about everything...I'm assuming that Hodge told you about what happened with Robert.

Simon: Yes, he did.

Luke: Good, because I don't have much time for story telling.

Clary: Just tell me what this is.

Luke: It all started when your mother, Jocelyn, was pregnant with your brother, Jonathan, your father wanted to take over Idris so badly but he never got the chance. He had to take drastic measures by murdering Stephen and Celine Herondale, and he thought that Queen Imogen Herondale would give him the throne but she had plans to give the crown to Robert. This enraged Valentine even more, but that just gave him more of an idea. All the way down in the cellar of his home, he made a powerful serum that would make anyone go mad and crazy. He had to make sure that it would work though, so he tried to do it to Michael Wayland but that drove him to the point where he committed suicide. He knew he couldn't do it to an adult, so he had to do it to a child.

Clary: Jonathan...

Luke: Yes, when Jocelyn was pregnant with your brother Valentine drugged her and did the experiment on the baby.

Clary: What is this serum called?

Luke: To Valentine, he calls it demon blood.

Clary: But why? Why would he do all of this?

Luke: He's sick, he thought that the demon blood would make Jonathan strong and it did but it also made him...evil.

Clary: What happened after that?

Luke: Eventually Jocelyn found out, and she wasn't going to be apart of any chaos that your father created. So she left with Jonathan and you, and she was never going to return to Idris ever again.

Clary: What about you?

Luke: I tried to find Jocelyn, and tried to convince her to come back.

Clary: Why?

Luke: Because after she left Idris, The Uprising came. The Uprising was supposed to be a revolution against the Lightwood family. Along with that came The Circle, where Valentine had tricked a bunch of people into following him and his beliefs.

Clary: What did he and this Circle do?

Luke: He ordered them to attack the Lightwood family, so he could convince everyone that he was with the people and not with the king.

Clary: But in the end, he would just make everything worse.

Luke: Yes, he did and would do it again if he has to.

Clary: I'm guessing my mom said no when you asked her to come back.

Luke: She did, but that doesn't mean that she didn't want to stop Valentine taking over Idris. She gave me two weapons that could kill Valentine once and for all.

Clary: What were these weapons?

Luke: They were the Morgenstern family swords, the Phaesphoros and Heosphoros. Jocelyn gave them to me, and she told me to use them to kill Valentine.

Clary: Why did you stay?

Luke: I knew that your mother was going to need all the help that she could get with raising you and Jonathan, so I helped. Until I was kidnapped by Valentine, and then I was placed in here.

Clary: Oh my god...

Clary had a face of just trying to get all of this in her mind, I don't blame her for that because she didn't know about this until now.

Clary: Why didn't my mom tell me about this?

Luke: She didn't want you to know anything about her past, and she knew that you wanted to meet your dad.

Clary: And now that I know, I don't want anything to deal with him other than getting rid of him.

Simon: And I'm going to help.

Tessa: Me too.

Will: Me three.

Magnus: Me four.

Catarina: Me five.

Maia: Me six.

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