Chapter Seven

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I wake up the next morning with Paisley's arm slung over my back and her leg wrapped around my waist. The sun peeping through the small crack in my curtains hits my face. My brain immediately feels like it is about to split right down the middle. I hiss in pain, which stirs my sleeping best friend laying next to me. 

"Ugh." She groans. "What's going on?"

Bile rises in my throat. "Get off!" I rip away from her and run towards my bathroom. I almost trip over the stupid fur rug that Meredith insisted on putting in here. I drop to my knees in front of the toilet just in time. 

"You okay?" Paisley peeks her head into the bathroom. Her hair is sticking up in every which direction. She yawns, stretching her arms high above her head like a cat. "Do you need me to get your brother?"

I nod my head yes. "Ari. Not Tayt."

If Tayt comes in here and sees that I am hungover, he will kill Ari. I'm glad Paisley doesn't try to argue with me. Thankfully, she agrees to go wake him up to come help me. I could have just asked her to help, but I just really want my twin right now. He always knows how to make me feel better. 

Not even two minutes later, I hear Ari. He is still half asleep. "You don't look so good, little sister." 

"I feel like I am dying." I lay down on the floor, curling myself into a ball. "Remind me to never ever touch another drink for as long as I live."

"Got it." He nods. "Come on. Let's go get some food in you."

He holds out his hand. I take it willingly, having absolutely no energy to stand up on my own two feet. I shuffle behind him, burying my eyes in my hands. He has to physically lead me down the hall and stairwell. If it weren't for him, I would fall straight down them. My newspaper title would change slightly. "Aspen Royal falls down the stairs in her father's mansion and meets her demise." That's not how I want people to remember me. 

Maria is in the dining room, along with Sarah, dusting. They turn their attention to us. Ari is only wearing pajama pants. His hair is somehow untouched by sleep. I don't know how. He is obviously is still half asleep and lets face it, if he doesn't get the acquired amount of sleep he needs, he seems to get a little snappy.

"Close the damn curtains." Ari barks at Maria and Sarah. They both rush to do as they have been asked. I nudge him in the back. He turns around and glares at me. "What? My head hurts like a bitch."

"You don't have to be so rude." I snap. "Apologize."

He groans. "I apologize for my rudeness, Maria and Sarah."

"It is quite alright." Sarah accepts the apology. "Can we get you anything to eat?"

I shake my head no. "It's alright. We can manage this morning. Thank you though."

They both scurry out of the way to busy themselves. I'm sure they just want to get away from my cranky brother. I don't blame them. Ari can be a complete ass when he wants to be. I almost want to follow them and hide away in whatever crook of the house they are going to disappear into it. 

"Aspirin. I need Aspirin." 

Ari starts digging through a medicine cabinet. He has to reach on the very top shelf to get the Aspirin that I asked for. I take four capsules instead of the two that the bottle suggests that I take. I need this headache gone, and fast. My Dad mentioned something to me yesterday before I left that he wanted to start discussing the fundraiser ball he wants to have to introduce me to everyone. I don't want to show up a zombie. 

The door swings open as soon as I lay my head down on the counter. Val and Pax skip inside, arguing about another stupid video game. I hear the stool beside me being pulled out. Someone sits down besides me. I don't even bother looking to see who it is. Whoever it is, is being super quiet. I appreciate them a lot more than I appreciate Val and Pax right now, who are about to both have black eyes if they don't shut the hell up. 

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