Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Julian really did plan our entire night strategically. He really meant it when he said he wanted tonight to be perfect. I didn't expect anything less. The man is all about grand gestures. If he could, he write how he felt about me in the stars. I have no doubt that he loves me. No matter how hard he tries to convince me, which he does a lot. I have told him countless of times to stop, because I already knew. He didn't need to prove anything to me. It still feels amazing that I found someone like him. Someone that is so willing to prove his love for me. 

We don't say much in the car. The electric energy between us is still too intense. One word, touch, anything, could easily make him turn this car around and take us back to our suite. So we stay silent and neither of us dares to try to touch the other one. Not in the small confinement of this car anyways. 

When the car finally stops moving and I have the courage to look up, I see that we are parked out by the water. There are other people in fancy dresses and tuxes walking towards a wooden bridge. A boat is what they are stepping onto. This must be the place that my dad told Julian about. Dinner on a boat with my the love of my life? It is as romantic as my dad told Julian it would be. 

"This" I sigh dreamily. "You-you didn't have to do this."

Julian comes around the car and takes my hand in his. He presses a kiss to my temple. "I didn't have to, but I wanted to. You deserve the world, Aspen Rose. And I plan on being the man that will give it to you. If you let me of course."

"Don't make me cry." I dab at the corner of my eyes. "You'll ruin my makeup."

"You look beautiful with or without it." 

A bell sounds. I guess signaling to any of the straggles that if we don't get our asses on the boat, that we are going to be left behind. Julian pulls us towards the bridge quickly. He nearly knocks an elderly couple over in the process. I apologize to them in Spanish as I am still being dragged behind my boyfriend. 

Once we are on the boat, a man in a crisp white suit sits at a table on the top deck. Julian slips him some extra cash so we can have a seat near the railing. He happily obliges. I giggle when Julian pushes, literally pushes, the waiter out of the way so he can pull my chair out. I apologize for the second time tonight for Julian's behavior. The waiter blushes, takes our drink order, and scurries away. 

"I think that guy was flirting with you." Julian grumbles. "Did you see him try to pull your chair out? That's my job. I am your boyfriend. The nerve of that guy. Maybe I should give him a piece of my mind when he comes back."

I roll my eyes. "First of all, it is his job to pull chairs out. He gets paid to do it. Second of all, he wouldn't understand anything you said to him. He doesn't speak a lick of English. You would only make a fool of yourself."

"Yeah...but I am your fool."

"That you are, you jealous pig."

A different waiter brings our wine to our table. Something tells me the other one was scared of my boyfriend and his caveman tendencies. He literally shoved the dude just so he could pull my chair out for me. Who does that? Oh wait...I know. That would be Julian Clark, who for the life of himself, cannot accept the fact that there are other men in this world. 

"Gracias." I thank the new waiter. 

He asks what we would like to eat. Julian looks at me with big, lost eyes. I scan over the menu and order for us both. 

"What did he say?" Julian questions. "Did he hit on you, too?"

I roll my eyes again. "Hush. He asked what we wanted to eat. I ordered you a steak with garlic potatoes and steamed vegetables. It is the only thing on the menu you would have eaten anyways. You are too picky for our own good."

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