Chapter Fifteen

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As the night continues, I am constantly being swept away by my Dad. I probably have met every single person here by now, and trust me when I say, there are hundreds of people. I could easily slip back into my bedroom and go to sleep right now. I've been smiling for the past couple of hours and I fear that if I don't stop, I will have a permanent smile on my face for the rest of my life. 

My Dad is having the time of his life introducing me to his closest friends and business partners. He sounds so proud as he tells them that I am his daughter. I don't know why. I mean sure, I was kind of absent for fifteen years, but it's not like I have won the Noble Peace prize or something. He makes it sound like I have though. 

By the time I am finally let off my leash, I have met all of my friends's parents. Val's parents, Julio and Isabella Rivera, could quite possibly be the sweetest people that I have ever come in contact with. No wonder their son is such a sweetheart. Pax's father, Jeremiah Paxton, and his older brother, Ryder, were a different story. They weren't rude by any means, but they definitely were not angels like the Rivera's. They gave me the cold shoulder. My Dad whispered into my ear that they were not always like that. Pax's mom, Gracie, died years ago and ever since then, the Paxton men have not let very many people into their lives. Not that I can blame them. It sucks when you lose someone so close to you. 

Paisley's parents are not in attendance tonight, so I do not get to meet them. Something tells me that the Johnson's and my Dad had some kind of falling out recently. Not that I am even going to ask. The conversation will just get shut down. My Dad is very good at avoiding situations and conversations that he does not particularly want to get into. I guess that's where I get it from. I tend to run from situations myself. 

I am currently talking with a few elder ladies right now about joining some kind of Cotillion. All I can gather is that it is for snooty spoiled brats who like to show of their families money. I am most certainly not that kind of girl. I never will be. Besides, my family name alone draws enough attention itself. I don't need to brag about my Dad's wealth. People just have to hear my last name and they know that I come from money. 

"You would get to dress in the finest dresses." Mrs. Abernathy continues trying to convince me to join the dark side. "You would get to attend the grandest tea parties." She leans and whispers her next point. "And you would get to meet the young bachelor's that come from your same kind of fortune."

I recoil. "Like I said five minutes ago, I am going to politely decline your offer."

Still not taking a hint, she reaches and coils her wrinkly hand around my wrist. I have to physically refrain myself from rolling my eyes at the old bat. "Miss Royal, you would make such a great candidate. I do no understand why someone so beautiful would not care to be a part of such an hour. Your twin brother's very girlfriend is a Cotillion."

"Addyson James?" I question. Mrs. Abernathy smiles brightly, nodding. I slowly peel my wrist out of her grasp. "If that is the case, I would never ever want to be a part of such an organization. Addyson is brainless bimbo with no regards except for herself. The only reason she is with Arington is for his money and his power. So once again, I am going to decline your offer."

She opens her mouth to protest, but I hold my hand up to cut her off. "Mrs. Abernathy, you must excuse me. I have other matters to attend to tonight. It was an honor making your acquaintance." 

The music starts up again and people start dispersing onto the dance floor. Pax has some blonde on the dance floor with him, holding her so tightly against him that I seriously wonder if she can even breathe. Not that it looks like she cares. She looks like she is in heaven. Val has a soft brunette with him. He is shy and timid as they dance together. Of course, my best friend has found some guy on her arm. No matter how much she likes my brother, he isn't going to stop her from having a good time. 

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