Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The Denmark house is just as I remember it. Only this time, there aren't hundreds of people around. I get out of my car with a boldness that I have never felt before. Maybe it is the adrenaline and the grief. I don't know. I move with lightening speed to the front door. I bang on the door until it is opened.

A lady in a maid's uniform stands there with a confused look on her face. She obviously doesn't know who I am. "May I help you?"

"I want to see Ian."

"I will fetch him for you right away, Miss."

The small lady scurries away. Ian walks around the corner minutes later. His eyes widen at the sight of me standing on his door step. I want to slap the life out of him when he grins ear to ear. He knows why I am, and he is gloating about it. He is actually so evil that he smiling after murdering someone.

"I didn't expect you to come crawling back to my door."

"You had Valentine killed. He was innocent in all of this. Just because your pride was hurt, you took someone else's life. How sick are you, Ian? I knew you Serpents were trash. I guess I just didn't know how dirty you actually were."

He looks confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play stupid. Val is dead because of you. You had him killed. Your ego means so much that you took an innocent life."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Don't lie to me." I hiss. "You are going to pay for what you did to my friend, even if it is the last thing that I do."


It has been a week since Val's death, and a week since I confronted Ian. I didn't tell anyone where I went that night. Not even Julian. It is best that no one finds out until at least after the funeral today. The only thing we should be thinking about is our friend who lost his life too young. Today should only be about putting him to rest.

The funeral is being held at the only Catholic church in town. I have never been inside of a church. Val came whenever the doors were open though. I remember on several occasions him praying, most of the time in Spanish. He had such faith in a god that wasn't even there to protect him. What kind of god allows something so evil to happen?

We are sitting in the first few pews behind Val's parents. His mother is at his casket, sobbing into the cherry oak. Mr. Rivera is standing behind her, whispering soothing words to her in Spanish. It is hard seeing them grieve their son. It was even harder going to their house the night after the accident with my father. Mrs. Rivera held me the entire time.

Pax is sitting beside me. No one else knows how to comfort him. He has just lost his best friend. Practically his brother. There are no words that can be said to make him feel better. The only thing I can do right now is hold his hand and let him know that I am here for him. He seems grateful for it.

"Lucas, will you please to come to the front?" Mr. Rivera is behind the podium. Pax lets go of my hand and walks to the front. I had almost forgotten that his name is actually Lucas. "We have asked Pax to share a few words about our Valentine."

He clears his throat before he starts speaking. "As many of you know, Val was my best friend. No...he was my brother. I can't tell you a time that he wasn't in my life. We went through everything together. We had plans of attending college together. He wanted to become a doctor to save lives. I used to joke that I would just stay in school until he was finished and then just mooch off him. He never told me no.

That was the thing about Val. He never told anyone no. He was always there for you whenever you needed him at whatever time. It didn't matter if it was three in the morning. He was going to come. He was always there to make people laugh. There was never a person around him that wasn't smiling. He brought out the good in everyone, especially in me. I owe him for helping me become the person that I am today.

I never thought that I would have to say goodbye so soon. Val, if you can hear me, just know that I promise to live my life like you would have lived yours. I will never forget you bro. I know I didn't say it enough, but I love you. Always have and always will. You are the brother that anyone would have been lucky to have."

Everyone is crying by the time Pax is done with his speech. The emotion we all feel is just so pure and so real. Every word that he said is true. Val brought so much light into our lives. I hate that I only had the privilege to know him for such a short time. But in the short time we did know each other, he always made sure that I knew that I was loved. He always made sure that I felt like I was included in times that I felt like an outsider. He kept a smile on my face and my stomach sore from all the laughing. There is no way I will ever forget that, nor will I ever stop missing him and wishing he could come back.

Rest in peace Val.

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